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Section 15
Switching Roles from Bully to Victim

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The video below is a section of a seminar lecture given by an instructor.

Reviewed 2023

Teachers Can Make a Difference in Bullying: Effects of Teacher
Interventions on Students' Adoption of Bully, Victim,
Bully-Victim or Defender Roles across Time

- Burger, C., Strohmeier, D., & Kollerová, L. (2022). Teachers Can Make a Difference in Bullying: Effects of Teacher Interventions on Students' Adoption of Bully, Victim, Bully-Victim or Defender Roles across Time. Journal of youth and adolescence, 51(12), 2312–2327.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Berkowitz, R., & Benbenishty, R. (2012). Perceptions of teachers’ support, safety, and absence from school because of fear among victims, bullies, and bully‐victims. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 82(1), 67–74. 

"Empathetic responsiveness, group norms, and prosocial affiliations in bullying roles": Correction to Nickerson and Mele-Taylor (2014) (2015). School Psychology Quarterly, 30(2), 211.

Sharkey, J. D., Ruderman, M. A., Mayworm, A. M., Green, J. G., Furlong, M. J., Rivera, N., & Purisch, L. (2015). Psychosocial functioning of bullied youth who adopt versus deny the bully-victim label. School Psychology Quarterly, 30(1), 91–104. 

Tompson, S. M. (2020). Responding to inappropriate client sexual behaviors: Perspectives on effective supervision. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30(1), 122–129. 

Vandette, M.-P., Jones, G., Gosselin, J., & Kogan, C. S. (2021). The role of the supervisory working alliance in experiential supervision-of-supervision training: A mixed design and multiple perspective study. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration. Advance online publication.

Veilleux, J. C., Schwartz-Mette, R. A., & Gregus, S. J. (2021). Development of the standardized supervisee framework as a novel approach to supervision training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication.

An audience member mentioned that it is difficult to deal with elementary-aged girls who switch roles from bully to victim.  What did the speaker say could make the situation easier to handle?
To select and enter your answer go to Test.

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