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Section 11
The Other White Supremacists Neo-Nazis, Skinheads, & the KKK

Question 11 | Test | Table of Contents

U.S. House of Representatives

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- Anti-Defamation League, A.-D. L. (2018, September). A report from the Center on Extremism New Hate and Old: The Changing Face of American White Supremacy. Retrieved from


Religiosity, perceived anti-Semitism, xenophobia and mental health: Experiences of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Austria and Germany

Trilesnik, B., Graef-Calliess, I. T., Stompe, T., & Fydrich, T. (2022). Religiosity, perceived anti-Semitism, xenophobia and mental health: Experiences of Jewish immigrants from the former Soviet Union in Austria and Germany. Transcultural psychiatry, 13634615221107204. Advance online publication.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Mascolo, M. F. (2017). The transformation of a White supremacist: A dialectical-developmental analysis. Qualitative Psychology, 4(3), 223–242. 

Sugarman, D. B., Nation, M., Yuan, N. P., Kuperminc, G. P., Hassoun Ayoub, L., & Hamby, S. (2018). Hate and violence: Addressing discrimination based on race, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation, and gender identity. Psychology of Violence, 8(6), 649–656. 

Tittler, M. V., & Wade, N. G. (2019). Engaging White participants in racial dialogues: Group composition and dialogue structure. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice, 23(2), 75–90.

Tschantret, J. (2021). The psychology of right-wing terrorism: A text-based personality analysis. Psychology of Violence, 11(2), 113–122.

Of the various other segments of the white supremacist movement, which group have probably benefited the most from the alt right? To select and enter your answer go to Test.

Section 12
Table of Contents