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Binder, J. F., & Kenyon, J. (2022). Terrorism and the internet: How dangerous is online radicalization?. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 997390.

Chan E. (2023). Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada. Violence against women, 29(9), 1687-1718.

Eldor, D. S., Lindholm, K., Chavez, M. H., Vassanyi, S., Badiane, M. O. I., Yaldizli, K., Frøysa, P., Haugestad, C. A. P., & Kunst, J. R. (2022). Resilience against radicalization and extremism in schools: Development of a psychometric scale. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 980180.

Flores, A. R., Stotzer, R. L., Meyer, I. H., & Langton, L. L. (2022). Hate crimes against LGBT people: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2019. PloS one, 17(12), e0279363.

Gaikwad, M., Ahirrao, S., Phansalkar, S., Kotecha, K., & Rani, S. (2023). Multi-Ideology, Multiclass Online Extremism Dataset, and Its Evaluation Using Machine Learning. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2023, 4563145.

GonzÁlez, I., Moyano, M., Lobato, R. M., & Trujillo, H. M. (2022). Evidence of Psychological Manipulation in the Process of Violent Radicalization: An Investigation of the 17-A Cell. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 789051.

Kloosterboer N. (2022). Mindsets and narratives: A commentary on Quassim Cassam's Extremism. Critical studies on terrorism, 15(4), 1026-1031.

Lavenne-Collot, N., Dissaux, N., Campelo, N., Villalon, C., Bronsard, G., Botbol, M., & Cohen, D. (2022). Sympathy-Empathy and the Radicalization of Young People. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 9(12), 1889.

Lavenne-Collot, N., Dissaux, N., Campelo, N., Villalon, C., Bronsard, G., Botbol, M., & Cohen, D. (2022). Sympathy-Empathy and the Radicalization of Young People. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 9(12), 1889.

Litvak, S., Kivivuori, J., & Kaakinen, M. (2023). Religion and Hate Crime Victimisation: A Representative Study of Young People in Finland. International Criminology, 3(1), 12-25.

Moncrieff, M., & Lienard, P. (2023). Radicalization and violent extremism depend on envy; conspiracy ideation, sometimes. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1111354.

Radanielina Hita, M. L., & Grégoire, Y. (2023). Marketing to Prevent Radicalization: A First Attempt at Delimiting the Field. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 42(1), 1-10.

Sizoo, B., Strijbos, D., & Glas, G. (2022). Grievance-fueled violence can be better understood using an enactive approach. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 997121.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Adam-Troian, J., Tecmen, A., & Kaya, A. (2021). Youth extremism as a response to global threats? A threat-regulation perspective on violent extremism among the youth. European Psychologist, 26(1), 15–28.

Brady, W. J., Wills, J. A., Burkart, D., Jost, J. T., & Van Bavel, J. J. (2019). An ideological asymmetry in the diffusion of moralized content on social media among political leaders. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148(10), 1802–1813

Coyne, S. M., Callister, M. A., Gentile, D. A., & Howard, E. (2016). Media violence and judgments of offensiveness: A quantitative and qualitative analysis. Psychology of Popular Media Culture, 5(4), 372–389.

Cunningham, M. D. (2018). Differentiating delusional disorder from the radicalization of extreme beliefs: A 17-factor model. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5(3), 137–154.

Ellis, B. H., & Abdi, S. (2017). Building community resilience to violent extremism through genuine partnerships. American Psychologist, 72(3), 289–300.

Estrada, S., Richards, C., Gee, D. G., & Baskin-Sommers, A. (2020). Exposure to violence and nonassociative learning capability confer risk for violent behavior. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 129(7), 748–759.

Faragó, L., Kende, A., & Krekó, P. (2020). We only believe in news that we doctored ourselves: The connection between partisanship and political fake news. Social Psychology, 51(2), 77–90.

Hawk, C. E., & Ridge, R. D. (2021). Is it only the violence? The effects of violent video game content, difficulty, and competition on aggressive behavior. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 33(3), 134–144.

Horgan, J., Shortland, N., & Abbasciano, S. (2018). Towards a typology of terrorism involvement: A behavioral differentiation of violent extremist offenders. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5(2), 84–102.

Jasko, K., Webber, D., Kruglanski, A. W., Gelfand, M., Taufiqurrohman, M., Hettiarachchi, M., & Gunaratna, R. (2020). Social context moderates the effects of quest for significance on violent extremism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(6), 1165–1187.

Lindstrom Johnson, S., Waasdorp, T. E., Cash, A. H., Debnam, K. J., Milam, A. J., & Bradshaw, C. P. (2017). Assessing the association between observed school disorganization and school violence: Implications for school climate interventions. Psychology of Violence, 7(2), 181–191.

Lloyd, M., & Dean, C. (2015). The development of structured guidelines for assessing risk in extremist offenders. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 2(1), 40–52.

Logan, J. E., Vagi, K. J., & Gorman-Smith, D. (2016). Characteristics of youth with combined histories of violent behavior, suicidal ideation or behavior, and gun-carrying. Crisis: The Journal of Crisis Intervention and Suicide Prevention, 37(6), 402–414. 

Ly, V., von Borries, A. K. L., Brazil, I. A., Bulten, B. H., Cools, R., & Roelofs, K. (2016). Reduced transfer of affective value to instrumental behavior in violent offenders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 125(5), 657–663. 

Mrkva, K., Cole, J. C., & Van Boven, L. (2020). Attention increases environmental risk perception. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. Advance online publication. 

Ozer, S., & Bertelsen, P. (2019). Countering radicalization: An empirical examination from a life psychological perspective. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 25(3), 211–225.

Raitanen, J., & Oksanen, A. (2019). Deep interest in school shootings and online radicalization. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 6(3-4), 159–172.

Reiter, J., Doosje, B., & Feddes, A. R. (2021). Radicalization and deradicalization: A qualitative analysis of parallels in relevant risk factors and trigger factors. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 27(2), 268–283.

Sarma, K. M. (2017). Risk assessment and the prevention of radicalization from nonviolence into terrorism. American Psychologist, 72(3), 278–288.

Shortland, N., & McGarry, P. (2021). The personality and propaganda puzzle: Exploring the effect of personality on exposure to extremist content online. Psychology of Violence.

Wang, Y., Benner, A. D., & Kim, S. Y. (2015). The Cultural Socialization Scale: Assessing family and peer socialization toward heritage and mainstream cultures. Psychological Assessment, 27(4), 1452–1462. 

Warren, J. I., Leviton, A. C. R., Reed, J., Saathoff, G. B., Patterson, T. D., Richards, L. A., & Fancher, A. D. (2018). Operationalizing theory: A moral-situational action model for extremist violence. Journal of Threat Assessment and Management, 5(4), 205–226. 

Webber, D., Babush, M., Schori-Eyal, N., Vazeou-Nieuwenhuis, A., Hettiarachchi, M., Bélanger, J. J., Moyano, M., Trujillo, H. M., Gunaratna, R., Kruglanski, A. W., & Gelfand, M. J. (2018). The road to extremism: Field and experimental evidence that significance loss-induced need for closure fosters radicalization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(2), 270–285.

Additional References:
- National Institute of Justice (July 28-30, 2015). Radicalization and Violent Extremism: Lessons Learned From Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. National Institute of Justice, p. 1,11-15, 16-21, 22-28, and 29-30

- Office of Partner Engagement (January 2016). Preventing Violent Extremism in Schools. Office of Partner Engagement, p. 1,7-10, 10-12, 13-15, 15-18, 18-21, & 21-27.

-Warren, Hirono, Merkley, Smith and Markey. (February 2, 2021). Public Health Service Act., 1-15.

Table of Contents