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Binder, J. F., & Kenyon, J. (2022). Terrorism and the internet: How dangerous is online radicalization?. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 997390.

Chan E. (2023). Technology-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence, Hate Speech, and Terrorism: A Risk Assessment on the Rise of the Incel Rebellion in Canada. Violence against women, 29(9), 1687-1718.

Eldor, D. S., Lindholm, K., Chavez, M. H., Vassanyi, S., Badiane, M. O. I., Yaldizli, K., Frøysa, P., Haugestad, C. A. P., & Kunst, J. R. (2022). Resilience against radicalization and extremism in schools: Development of a psychometric scale. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 980180.

Flores, A. R., Stotzer, R. L., Meyer, I. H., & Langton, L. L. (2022). Hate crimes against LGBT people: National Crime Victimization Survey, 2017-2019. PloS one, 17(12), e0279363.

Gaikwad, M., Ahirrao, S., Phansalkar, S., Kotecha, K., & Rani, S. (2023). Multi-Ideology, Multiclass Online Extremism Dataset, and Its Evaluation Using Machine Learning. Computational intelligence and neuroscience, 2023, 4563145.

GonzÁlez, I., Moyano, M., Lobato, R. M., & Trujillo, H. M. (2022). Evidence of Psychological Manipulation in the Process of Violent Radicalization: An Investigation of the 17-A Cell. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 789051.

Kloosterboer N. (2022). Mindsets and narratives: A commentary on Quassim Cassam's Extremism. Critical studies on terrorism, 15(4), 1026-1031.

Lavenne-Collot, N., Dissaux, N., Campelo, N., Villalon, C., Bronsard, G., Botbol, M., & Cohen, D. (2022). Sympathy-Empathy and the Radicalization of Young People. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 9(12), 1889.

Lavenne-Collot, N., Dissaux, N., Campelo, N., Villalon, C., Bronsard, G., Botbol, M., & Cohen, D. (2022). Sympathy-Empathy and the Radicalization of Young People. Children (Basel, Switzerland), 9(12), 1889.

Litvak, S., Kivivuori, J., & Kaakinen, M. (2023). Religion and Hate Crime Victimisation: A Representative Study of Young People in Finland. International Criminology, 3(1), 12-25.

Moncrieff, M., & Lienard, P. (2023). Radicalization and violent extremism depend on envy; conspiracy ideation, sometimes. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1111354.

Radanielina Hita, M. L., & Grégoire, Y. (2023). Marketing to Prevent Radicalization: A First Attempt at Delimiting the Field. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 42(1), 1-10.

Sizoo, B., Strijbos, D., & Glas, G. (2022). Grievance-fueled violence can be better understood using an enactive approach. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 997121.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Ellis, B. H., & Abdi, S. (2017). Building community resilience to violent extremism through genuine partnerships. American Psychologist, 72(3), 289–300.

Jasko, K., Webber, D., Kruglanski, A. W., Gelfand, M., Taufiqurrohman, M., Hettiarachchi, M., & Gunaratna, R. (2020). Social context moderates the effects of quest for significance on violent extremism. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 118(6), 1165–1187.

Ozer, S., & Bertelsen, P. (2019). Countering radicalization: An empirical examination from a life psychological perspective. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 25(3), 211–225.

Sarma, K. M. (2017). Risk assessment and the prevention of radicalization from nonviolence into terrorism. American Psychologist, 72(3), 278–288.

Webber, D., Babush, M., Schori-Eyal, N., Vazeou-Nieuwenhuis, A., Hettiarachchi, M., Bélanger, J. J., Moyano, M., Trujillo, H. M., Gunaratna, R., Kruglanski, A. W., & Gelfand, M. J. (2018). The road to extremism: Field and experimental evidence that significance loss-induced need for closure fosters radicalization. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(2), 270–285.

Additional References:
- National Institute of Justice (July 28-30, 2015). Radicalization and Violent Extremism: Lessons Learned From Canada, the U.K. and the U.S. National Institute of Justice, p. 1,11-15, 16-21, 22-28, and 29-30

Table of Contents