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Section 21
Technique for Behavioral Problems

Question 21 | Test | Table of Contents

The therapist shows the group an example of the Hassle Log (see below) and asks someone different to read each item. Then he explains the importance of the log: (1) It provides an accurate picture of conflicts that occur during the week; (2) it helps trainees learn about what makes them angry and how they handle these situations (so that they can work to change those that they handle poorly, that cause them trouble, and that leave them feeling bad about themselves); and (3) it provides material for role playing in future sessions (using situations that really happen makes practicing the anger control techniques much more effective than using "made-up" situations). At this point, the therapist gives an example of a conflict and how to fill out the Hassle Log for it. The Hassle Log should be filled out for situations that trainees handle well in addition to those in which they become angry or aggressive. The therapist makes sure each trainee understands how to complete the Hassle Log by having each of them fill out a log in the session for a recent hassle. Then the therapist checks the logs and corrects any misunderstanding of the instructions. Trainees receive a stack of Hassle Logs to keep in their binders and are instructed to fill them out as soon as possible after an incident.

Hassle Log
Name_____________________________________ Date __________
Morning ____ Afternoon ____ Evening ____

Where were you?
Classroom ____ Bathroom ____ Off grounds ____
Dorm ____ Team office ____ Halls ____
Gym ____ Dining room ____ On a job ____
Recreation room ____ Outside/on grounds ____ Other ____

What happened?
Somebody teased me. ____
Somebody took something of mine. ____
Somebody told me to do something. ____
Somebody was doing something I didn't like. ____
I did something wrong. ____
Somebody started fighting with me. ____

Who was that somebody:
Another resident ____ Aide ____ Teacher ____
Another adult ____ Teacher ____

What did you do?
Hit back ____ Told peer ____
Ran away ____ Ignored it ____
Yelled ____ Used Anger Control ____(explain)______________________________________
Cried ____
Broke something ____
Was restrained ____ Used Structured Learning skill ____(explain)________________________
Told aide or counselor ____
Walked away calmly ____
Talked it out ____

How did you handle yourself?
1 Poorly 2 Not so well 3 Okay 4 Good 5 Great

How angry were you?
Burning ____ Really angry ____ Moderately angry ____ Mildly angry but still okay ____ Not angry at all ____

- Goldstein, Arnold P. and Barry Glick, "Aggression Replacement Training: A Comprehensive Intervention for Aggressive Youth", Research Press: Illinois, 1987.

Personal Reflection Exercise #6
The preceding section contained information about the Hassle Log. Write three case study examples regarding how you might use the content of this section in your practice.
Reviewed 2023

Behavioral problems in psychotic, clinically high-risk,
and non-psychotic adolescent patients

- Rogantini, C., Provenzi, L., Borgatti, R., Mensi, M., & Clinical High Risk State For Psychosis Research Group (2022). Behavioral problems in psychotic, clinically high-risk, and non-psychotic adolescent patients. Annals of general psychiatry, 21(1), 43.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Henderson, C. E., Hogue, A., & Dauber, S. (2019). Family therapy techniques and one-year clinical outcomes among adolescents in usual care for behavior problems. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 87(3), 308–312.

Mattos, L. A., Schmidt, A. T., Henderson, C. E., & Hogue, A. (2017). Therapeutic alliance and treatment outcome in the outpatient treatment of urban adolescents: The role of callous–unemotional traits. Psychotherapy, 54(2), 136–147.

Shelleby, E. C., Shaw, D. S., Dishion, T. J., Wilson, M. N., & Gardner, F. (2018). Effects of the Family Check-Up on reducing growth in conduct problems from toddlerhood through school age: An analysis of moderated mediation. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 86(10), 856–867.

Yu, S. H., Brookman-Frazee, L., Kim, J. J., Barnett, M. L., Wright, B., & Lau, A. S. (2021). Therapist adaptations to evidence-based practices and associations with implementation outcomes in child therapy sessions. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology.

What are uses of the Hassle Log? To select and enter your answer go to Test.

Section 22
Table of Contents