Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
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- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (n.d.). Tip 57 trauma-informed care in Behavioral Health Services. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 69-72. Retrieved August 7, 2022, from
Possible Paths to Increase Detection
of Child Sexual Abuse in Child and Adolescent
Psychiatry: A Meta-Synthesis of Survivors'
and Health Professionals' Experiences
of Addressing Child Sexual Abuse
- Stige, S. H., Andersen, A. C., Halvorsen, J. E., Halvorsen, M. S., Binder, P. E., Måkestad, E., & Albæk, A. U. (2022). Possible paths to increase detection of child sexual abuse in child and adolescent psychiatry: a meta-synthesis of survivors' and health professionals' experiences of addressing child sexual abuse. International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being, 17(1), 2103934.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
Berke, D. S., Tuten, M. D., Smith, A. M., & Hotchkiss, M. (2022). A qualitative analysis of the context and characteristics of trauma exposure among sexual minority survivors: Implications for posttraumatic stress disorder assessment and clinical practice. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy.
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Gómez, J. M. (2019). What’s the harm? Internalized prejudice and cultural betrayal trauma in ethnic minorities. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 89(2), 237–247.
8 In assessing the impact of trauma on clients with diverse cultural backgrounds, one must not only understand how their culture interprets the traumatic event, but what other factors must be considered? To select and enter your answer go to Test.