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Appendix A - Reproducible Client Worksheets

Test | Table of Contents

Identifying Purposes
Review CD track 1 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to identify priorities related to both work and personal life.
1.  Find a place where you can concentrate for ten to fifteen minutes.
2.  Acquire a pen and fifteen to twenty index cards.
3.  Set aside your immediate concerns for a while and pre­pare to think about yourself and what you want from your life.
4.  Consider the following list of phrases: 

Being creative

Having personal freedom

Having lots of fun

Enjoying a wonderful life          

Enjoying my hobbies

Being healthy

Following my heart’s desire

Having time alone

Being physically active

Having good self-esteem

Using my talents and skills        

Being physically attractive

Being a whole person

Being a weaver of my own cloth

Seeking excitement
 and adventure

Experiencing something new

Seeing the world          

Being financially independent

Getting to the top

Achieving goals

Being satisfied with my career

Having influence

Believing my work counts

Protecting the environment

Making the world a better place

Giving to my community

Making a difference

Practicing my faith

Connecting with people

Having a close family

Parenting wisely

Being committed to
a life partner


relating to others

Having good friends

Creating a home

being a good friend

Developing my spirituality

Appreciating the beauty around me

Trusting powers beyond myself

Being visionary

Believing my life counts

Finding inner wisdom

Experiencing peace within me

Simplifying my life

Living in the moment

Being able to forgive

Being filled with love and kindness

Being generous to others

Leaving a legacy

Enjoying retirement


5.  Decide which ones are important to you, in either your home or your work life.  Come up with some of your own.
6.  Copy each idea down individually on a card.
7.  Sort through those and create a pile limited to the five that are most impor­tant to you.  If you have trouble limiting yourself, you can stretch the rules and create subcate­gories.

Getting Over Guilt
Review CD track 3 for more information regarding this technique.
Client reviews and utilizes the following procedures to overcome feelings of guilt.
1.  Asking yourself, "Whose expectations am I not meeting?"
2.  Decide if the expectation is implicit or explicit?
3.  Evaluate whether or not the expector really feels the way you think he or she does.

Table of Contents