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Section 6
Role-Clarity and Boundaries for Trauma-Informed Teachers

Question 6 | Test | Table of Contents

Eric Institute Of Education Services

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- Venet, Alex Shevrin (2019) "Role-Clarity and Boundaries for Trauma-Informed Teachers," Educational Considerations, 44(2), 1-8.

The Courage to Care: Teacher
Compassion Predicts More Positive Attitudes
Toward Trauma-Informed Practice

- O’Toole, C., & Dobutowitsch, M. (2022). The Courage to Care: Teacher Compassion Predicts More Positive Attitudes Toward Trauma-Informed Practice. Journal of Child & Adolescent Trauma, 16(1), 123–133.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:
López, V., Benbenishty, R., Astor, R. A., Ascorra, P., & González, L. (2020). Teachers victimizing students: Contributions of student-to-teacher victimization, peer victimization, school safety, and school climate in Chile. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 90(4), 432–444.

McIntyre, E. M., Baker, C. N., Overstreet, S., & The New Orleans Trauma-Informed Schools Learning Collaborative. (2019). Evaluating foundational professional development training for trauma-informed approaches in schools. Psychological Services, 16(1), 95–102.

Post, P. B., Grybush, A. L., Flowers, C., & Elmadani, A. (2020). Impact of child–teacher relationship training on teacher attitudes and classroom behaviors. International Journal of Play Therapy, 29(3), 119–130.

What is a crucial aspect of trauma-informed work? To select and enter your answer go to Test

Section 7
Table of Contents