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Section 14
Rapport Building: Adolescent Concerns about
Privacy, Recording, and Parents

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This content is intended for
Social Workers, Couneslors, MFT's, and Psychologists

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Young people talk about primary care and telehealth:
A survey of 15- to 25-year olds in the Wellington region of New Zealand

Garrett, S. M., Rose, S. B., & McKinlay, E. M. (2022). Young people talk about primary care and telehealth: A survey of 15- to 25-year olds in the Wellington region of New Zealand. Health & social care in the community, 30(6), e6345–e6355.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Bietz, M. J., Cheung, C., Rubanovich, C. K., Schairer, C., & Bloss, C. S. (2019). Privacy perceptions and norms in youth and adults. Clinical Practice in Pediatric Psychology, 7(1), 93–103.

Briggie, A. M., Hilsenroth, M. J., Conway, F., Muran, J. C., & Jackson, J. M. (2016). Patient comfort with audio or video recording of their psychotherapy sessions: Relation to symptomatology, treatment refusal, duration, and outcome. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 47(1), 66–76.

Hill, C. E., Knox, S., & Pinto-Coelho, K. G. (2018). Therapist self-disclosure and immediacy: A qualitative meta-analysis. Psychotherapy, 55(4), 445–460.

Pagnotta, J., Blumberg, F. C., Ponterotto, J. G., & Alvord, M. K. (2018). Adolescents’ perceptions of their therapists’ social media competency and the therapeutic alliance. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 49(5-6), 336–344.

What are potentially unique concerns an adolescent may have regarding the TMH session? To select and enter your answer go to Test.

Section 15
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