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Course Learning Objectives/Outcomes

By the end of the course, the Counselor, Marriage and Family Therapist, Social Worker or Psychologist will be able to:
-Explain what can be computed either additively or as mean scores and they can also be treated as weighted factor scores.
-Explain what is Rigby's definition of bullying.
-Name seven ways to prevent bullying by educating students.
-Name the two subtypes of bullies.
-Explain what is a typical family background for a victimized child.
-Explain which disorders most commonly are seen in bully-victims.
-Name the Bemak's six intervention principles for working with school bullies.
-Name the four approaches to dealing with incidents of bullying in schools.
-Explain what is more effective in preventing bullying than focusing on the behavior to be eliminated.
-Explain how can holding regular classroom meetings for students reduce bullying behavior.
-Explain what is a demerit according to the speaker’s school.
-Explain how can teachers ensure that students know and understand the school policy on bullying.
-Explain what does the speaker emphasize to junior high-aged children in regard to their futures.
-Explain another outcome of these checklists when using a checklist to see how often students witness and/or report bullying, teachers can get a feel for how much bullying happens.
-Explain what the speaker said that could make the situation easier to handle after an audience member mentioned that it is difficult to deal with elementary-aged girls who switch roles from bully to a victim.

"The instructional level of this course is introductory, intermediate, or advanced depending on the learners clinical area of expertise.