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DeAngelis, T. (2023).Increasing supervisor savvy around culture, race, and identity. American Psychological Association, 54(1), 34.

Fan, P., Liu, Y., Liu, H., & Hou, M. (2022). The multilevel influence of supervisor helping behavior on employee voice behavior: A moderated mediation model. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 955288.

Ince-Cushman, D. J., Dove, M., Jarvis, C., & Opatowski, D. (2022). Curiosity as a tool in medical supervision. Canadian family physician Medecin de famille canadien, 68(10), 783-784.

Masamha, R., Alfred, L., Harris, R., Bassett, S., Burden, S., & Gilmore, A. (2022). 'Barriers to overcoming the barriers': A scoping review exploring 30 years of clinical supervision literature. Journal of advanced nursing, 78(9), 2678-2692.

Meza, R. D., AlRasheed, R., Pullmann, M. D., & Dorsey, S. (2023). Clinical supervision approach predicts evidence-based trauma treatment delivery in children's mental health. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 1072844.

O'Donnell, C., Markey, K., Murphy, L., Turner, J., & Doody, O. (2023). Cultivating support during COVID-19 through clinical supervision: A discussion article. Nursing open, 10.1002/nop2.1800. Advance online publication.

Ten Cate, O., & Favier, R. P. (2022). Approaching Training-Practice Gaps After the Transition: A Practice Proposal for Supervision After Training. Frontiers in medicine, 9, 881274.

Toh, R. Q. E., Koh, K. K., Lua, J. K., Wong, R. S. M., Quah, E. L. Y., Panda, A., Ho, C. Y., Lim, N. A., Ong, Y. T., Chua, K. Z. Y., Ng, V. W. W., Wong, S. L. C. H., Yeo, L. Y. X., See, S. Y., Teo, J. J. Y., Renganathan, Y., Chin, A. M. C., & Krishna, L. K. R. (2022). The role of mentoring, supervision, coaching, teaching and instruction on professional identity formation: a systematic scoping review. BMC medical education, 22(1), 531.

Yang, B., Bao, S., & Xu, J. (2022). Supervisory styles and graduate student innovation performance: The mediating role of psychological capital and the moderating role of harmonious academic passion. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 1034216.

Zhu, Y., Obeng, A. F., & Azinga, S. A. (2023). Supportive supervisor behavior and helping behaviors in the hotel sector: assessing the mediating effect of employee engagement and moderating influence of perceived organizational obstruction. Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 1-17. Advance online publication.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

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Latorre, C., Leppma, M., Platt, L. F., Shook, N., & Daniels, J. (2021). The relationship between mindfulness and self-compassion for self-assessed competency and self-efficacy of psychologists-in-training. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

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Reiser, R. P., & Milne, D. L. (2014). A systematic review and reformulation of outcome evaluation in clinical supervision: Applying the fidelity framework. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 8(3), 149–157. 

Russell, G. M., & Bohan, J. S. (2014). Toward a contextual understanding of psychology trainees’ religious conflicts. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity, 1(4), 293–301.

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Sehgal, R., Saules, K., Young, A., Grey, M. J., Gillem, A. R., Nabors, N. A., Byrd, M. R., & Jefferson, S. (2011). Practicing what we know: Multicultural counseling competence among clinical psychology trainees and experienced multicultural psychologists. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 17(1), 1–10.

Smith, C. L. (2021). ABCD Map: A personal construct approach to coaching supervision. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring, 19(1), 61–73.

Stanhope, D. S., Pond, S. B. III, & Surface, E. A. (2013). Core self-evaluations and training effectiveness: Prediction through motivational intervening mechanisms. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(5), 820–831.

Summers, F. (2017). Sexual relationships between patient and therapist: Boundary violation or collapse of the therapeutic space? Psychoanalytic Psychology, 34(2), 175–181. 

Sutter, E., McPherson, R. H., & Geeseman, R. (2002). Contracting for supervision. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 33(5), 495–498. 

Tepper, B. J., Duffy, M. K., & Shaw, J. D. (2001). Personality moderators of the relationship between abusive supervision and subordinates' resistance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 86(5), 974–983.

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Thompson, S. M. (2020). Responding to inappropriate client sexual behaviors: Perspectives on effective supervision. Journal of Psychotherapy Integration, 30(1), 122–129. 

Vandenberghe, L., & Silveira, J. M. d. (2012). The trouble with the short-term therapist-client relationship and what can be done about it. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 7(2-3), 159–166.

Wallace, J. C., Johnson, P. D., Mathe, K., & Paul, J. (2011). Structural and psychological empowerment climates, performance, and the moderating role of shared felt accountability: A managerial perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96(4), 840–850.

Wilcox, M. M., Drinane, J. M., Black, S. W., Cabrera, L., DeBlaere, C., Tao, K. W., Hook, J. N., Davis, D. E., Watkins, C. E., & Owen, J. (2021). Layered cultural processes: The relationship between multicultural orientation and satisfaction with supervision. Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

Worthington, R. L., & Dillon, F. R. (2011). Deconstructing multicultural counseling competencies research: Comment on Owen, Leach, Wampold, and Rodolfa (2011). Journal of Counseling Psychology, 58(1), 10–15. 

Zhou, L., Wang, M., Chen, G., & Shi, J. (2012). Supervisors' upward exchange relationships and subordinate outcomes: Testing the multilevel mediation role of empowerment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 97(3), 668–680.

Zhao, C. J., & Stone-Sabali, S. (2021). Cultural discussions, supervisor self-disclosure, and multicultural orientation: Implications for supervising international trainees. Training and Education in Professional Psychology, 15(4), 315–322.

Additional References:
- Borders, Dianne, Handbook of Counseling Supervision. Association for Counselor Publication Washington, D. C. ISBN-1-55620-037-4 87 98p.1987.

- Budd, Phillip, Boundaries and Dangers in the Supervisory Relationship , Saint Anthony Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program, 2018.

- Canino, Ian PhD and Jeanne Spurlock, Culturally Diverse Children and Adolescents: Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment, The Guilford Press: New York, 1994.

- Cookson, Jen; Sloan, Graham; Dafters, Rebecca; Jahoda, Andrew. Provision of clinical supervision for staff working in mental health services. Mental Health Practice. Apr2014, Vol. 17 Issue 7, p29-34

- Despenser, Sally. Getting the Most Out of Supervision. Healthcare Counselling & Psychotherapy Journal. Oct2013, Vol. 13 Issue 4, p28-31.

- Dr. Aaron Groves. Clinical Supervision Guidelines for Mental Health Services. Queensland Health, October 2009, p. 1-37.

- DuBrin, Andrew J. MA, The Complete Idiot's Guide to Leadership, Alpha Books: Indianapolis, 2000

- du Plock, Simon; An Existential-Phenomenological Inquiry into the Meaning of Clinical Supervision; Existential Analysis: Journal of the Society for Existential Analysis, July 2009

- Dupre, Madeleine; Echterling, Lennis G.; Meixner, Cara; Anderson, Robin; Kielty, Michele. Supervision Experiences of Professional Counselors Providing Crisis Counseling. Counselor Education & Supervision. Jun2014, Vol. 53 Issue 2, p82-96.

- Garza, Yvonne; Kinsworthy, Sarah; Bennett, Mary Morrison. Supervision in Group Play Therapy: A Skills Checklist. Journal of Individual Psychology. Spring2014, Vol. 70 Issue 1, p31-44.

- Geller, Elaine; Foley, Gilbert M.; Broadening the "Ports of Entry" for Speech-Language Pathologists: A Relational and Reflective Model for Clinical Supervision; American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, February 2009

- Girling, Ann; Leese, Carolyn; Maynard, Linda; How clinical supervision can improve hospice care for children; Nursing Management – UK, November 2009

- Grote, Dick PhD, Discipline Without Punishment, AMACOM: New York, 2006

- Hendricks, William PhD (ed.), Coaching, Mentoring and Managing, National Press Publications: New Jersey, 1996

- Philip R. Budd, Psy.D.; Saint Anthony Hospital Family Medicine Residency Program; Boundaries and Dangers in the Supervisory Relationship, p1-38.

- Sharrock, Julie; Javen, Leanne; McDonald, Sarah. Clinical Supervision for Transition to Advanced Practice. Perspectives in Psychiatric Care. Apr2013, Vol. 49 Issue 2, p118-125.

- Watts, Caroline, Supportive Supervision: Promoting staff and family growth through positive relationships, Children’s Hospital Boston, under the Innovation and Improvement Project grant from the Office of Head Start, Administration for Children and Families, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Children’s Hospital Boston, January 2008.

Table of Contents