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Psychologist Post-Test

Answer questions. Then click the "Check Your Score" button. When you get a score of 80% or higher, and place a credit card order, you can download a Certificate for 3 CE's.

1. What are the five characteristics of effective goal setting with your supervisee?
2. What are the five steps to conflict resolution?
3. What are the four types of supervisees that are resistant to improvement?
A. observation; thoughts; feedback; desires; and next time.
B. the yeah-but supervisee; the silent supervisee; the "I'll try" supervisee; and the irrelevant supervisee
C. setting specific goals; setting realistically difficult goals; mutual supervisee-supervisor goal agreement; and giving feedback.

4. Work with inner city clients often requires what practical aspect?
5. What are the five classic questions of supervisee discipline?
6. What are three behaviors of a trustworthy clinical supervisor?
7. What are 5 results you can expect when you are supervising effectively?
8. What five things clearly specify the exact gap between desired performance and the supervisee's actual performance?
9. Why do gay/lesbian/bisexual students with depression often go undiagnosed?
A. Did the employee clearly understand the rule or policy that was violated? Did the employee know in advance that such conduct would be subject to disciplinary action? Was the rule violated reasonably related to the safe, efficient, and orderly
operation of the business? Is there substantial evidence that the employee actually did violate the rule? Is the action planned
reasonably related to the seriousness of the offense, the employee's record with the organization, and to action taken with
other employees who have committed a similar offense?
B. Clarify expectations, provide training, arrange appropriate consequences, provide feedback, and remove obstacles
C. Clarification of performance expectations, Changes In point of view, Increased self-sufficiency/autonomy, Insight into behavior and feelings, Acceptance of difficult tasks
D . Because they are already seen as "different", their depressions can easily be misconstrued as acting out.
E. Maintains eye contact, individualizes compliments, readily shares financial information with others.
F. Collaborative efforts with another service agency to assist with handling pragmatic issues, such as financial matters.

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists and Ohio Counselors