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Psychologist Post-Test

Answer questions. Then click the "Check Your Score" button. When you get a score of 80% or higher, and place a credit card order, you can download a Certificate for 1 CE's.

1. What are three kinds of pain frames?
2. What are three external and internal factors that affect a client's perceptions of pain?'
3. According to Kurtais, what are the three components of cognitive-behavioral treatment? 

A. biological; social; and personality.
B.  threat; loss; and challenge.
C. 1) An educational phase; to help patients to understand the effects of thoughts, beliefs, expectations and behaviors on their symptoms (biopsychosocial model). 2) A skills training phase; patients are emphasized on cognitive and behavioral strategies for coping pain. 3) An application phase; patients learn to apply cognitive and behavioral skills to real life situations. In this phase relapse prevention is aimed.

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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s