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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are the five Response Alternatives in Children’s Social Behavior Scale – Self Report?
2. What are the sixteen things that some children do to other children under the Multidimensional Peer-Victimization Scale?
3. What is Perception of Teasing Scale (POTS)?
4. What is Bullying?
5. What are three types of victims?
6. What are the five things that are asked in the Weight-Based Teasing Scale?
7. What are the three School-related times under the AAUW Sexual Harassment Survey?
8. What are the questions under the Child Social Behavior Questionnaire?
9. What are the names kids call each other under the Homophobic Content Agent Target Scale?
10. What are the Scoring Instructions under the Modified Peer Nomination Inventory?
11. What is the meaning of the ranges for the victimization and aggression subscales 0 to 24 and 0 to 12 for overt and relational aggression, respectively?
12. What is the purpose of the School Life Survey?
13. How does bullying happen?
14. What is Cyberbullying?
15. What are the scoring instructions under the Exposure to Violence and Violent Behavior Checklist?
16. What are the ten subsections under Gay, Lesbian, Straight, Education Network (GLSEN) National School Climate Survey?
17. How are the Peer-estimated scores computed?
18. What can be computed either additively or as mean scores and they can also be treated as weighted factor scores?


A. The following questions should be answered with respect to the period of time when you were growing up (ages 5–16). First, rate how often you think you have been the object of such behavior (using the scale provided, never to very often). Second, unless you responded never to a particular question, rate how upset you were by the teasing (not upset to very upset).
B. Never, Almost Never, Sometimes, Almost All of the Time, All of the Time
C. Called me names, Tried to get me into trouble with my friends, Took something of mine without permission, Made fun of me because of my appearance, Made fun of me for some reason, Punched me, Kicked me, Hurt me physically in some way, Beat me up, Tried to break something of mine, Tried to make my friends turn against me, Stole something from me, Refused to talk to me, Made other people not talk to me, Deliberately damaged some property of mine, and Swore at me.
D. Those who only experienced victimization in primary school (primary school victims); those who only experienced victimization in secondary school (secondary school victims); and those who experienced victimization in both (stable victims).
E. Intentional hurtful behavior. It can be physical or psychological. It is often repeated and characterized by an inequality of power so that it is difficult for the victim to defend him/her self.
F. You are treated with less respect than other people, People act as if they’re better than you, You are called names or insulted, You are teased about your appearance, and You are teased about your weight.
G. Help another child in your class with their work?, Work on a computer?, Are hit by another child in your class?, Hit or kick another child, Play with another child in your class who has nobody to play with?, etc.
H. When you are on your way to or home from school; when you are on school grounds, including before, during, or after school hours; and when you’re on a school trip.
I. Gay, lesbo, fag, etc.
J. Higher scores indicate higher levels of victimization and aggression.
K. A victimization score for each child is computed by calculating the percentage of same-sex classmates who nominated him or her for each victimization item and then totaling these percentages.
L. When someone hurts or scares another person on purpose and the person being bullied has a hard time defending himself or herself. Usually, bullying happens over and over.
M. For the purpose of conducting school surveys, prevention, intervention, and other kinds of anti-bullying work, as well as for research.
N. When someone repeatedly makes fun of another person online or repeatedly picks on another person through email or text message or when someone posts something online about another person that they don’t like.
O. Section A. Homophobic remarks, Section B. Racist remarks, Section C. Sexist remarks, Section D. Remarks you may have heard at your school related to people’s gender expression, Section E. Harassment or fights that you may have encountered at your school, Section F. Who you talk to when you have experienced harassment or assault in your school, regardless of whether it was related to your sexual orientation, race/ethnicity, gender, or gender expression., Section G. Characteristics of your school, Section H. Your academic experiences and goals, Section I. How comfortable you are at your school as an LGBT student, Section J. Personal characteristics.
P. Point values are assigned as indicated above. Items are scored by domain (school, community, family) and by whether violence is direct or vicarious. More specific timeframes can be used with this measure (e.g., past 30 days, past 3 months, past 6 months). Higher scores reflect more bullying experiences.
Q. Computed by calculating the mean rating for each student: the sum of the peer-nomination ratings for each respondent (a respondent’s self-estimation should be excluded when computing these scores) divided by the total number of respondents present, minus one (the child him/herself). Higher scores in each section indicate more experience with construct being assessed in that section.
R. Scale scores


19. What are three reasons someone might become a bully that you might explain to a young client?
20. What are two additional uses of the Turning Insults into Compliments technique?
21. What are two techniques that can help students deal with verbal bullying and insults?
22. What is a technique you might use to help students deal with prejudice in verbal bullying?
23. What is the problem with using the words ‘should’ and ‘you’ when expressing feelings?
24. What are three additional techniques for helping students deal with verbal bullying?
25. What are five advanced techniques that students can use to deal with verbal bulling?
26. What are the three anti-meanness steps?


A. Three reasons are, the bully may have low self-esteem; someone else may be being mean to the bully; and the bully may not have learned the right way to treat others.
B. Three additional techniques are feeding back, understanding, and Name that Feeling.
C. The ‘Golden Nuggets’ technique.
D. Two techniques are Asking Questions and Agreeing.
E. The three steps are: not returning meanness with meanness; using the techniques found in this course to interrupt and confuse a bully who is using meanness to hurt others; and thinking about a situation after it happens, if you were not able to figure out what to do at the time. 
F. Five advanced techniques are Tone Twisters, Disconnected Comments, Playing the Game, Blocks, and Pushes.
G. Two additional uses are using the Turning Insults into Compliments technique against nonverbal meanness, and the Reverser.
H. The words ‘should’ and ‘you’ make statements sound insulting and critical.

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