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Additional post test questions for Psychologists, Ohio Counselors, and Ohio MFT’s

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Course Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

1. What are the challenges that ADHD adults may have?
2. What are the aspects of the challenges with intense feelings and distorted senses that ADHD adults face?
3. What are the steps of memory?
4. What are the types of controlling methods of coping with the ADHD diagnosis?
5. What are the ADHD adult’s aggressive methods of coping with the ADHD diagnosis?
6. What are the Stages of Grief an ADHD client may experience?
7. What are the common balancing issues that adults with ADHD face?
8. What are the questions an ADHD adult can answer to develop a Moral Inventory?
9. What are the steps in the "Scripted Calling" technique to help your Phone-a-Phobic ADHD client?
10. What are the difficulties ADHD adults face in group interfacing?
11. What are the difficulties adults with ADHD face in a one-on-one interaction?
12. What are the challenging areas for the ADHD adult in the workplace?
13. What is one tool you might use with the ADHD family client?
14. What percent of the ADHD population will experience a comorbid condition?

A. Shifting gears rapidly, Running out of gas, and Setting the cruise control for mega-speed.
B. Written Rules, Unwritten Rules, Communication, and Managing ADHD Symptoms.
C. Manipulation and Blaming.
D. "What Can I Do Well?", "What Can I Do Adequately?",and "What Can’t or Shouldn’t I Do?"
E. Acquisition, registration, storage, access, and transfer.
F. Working too hard and having too much intensity.
G. The One Channel Operational System, the Locking In and Blocking Out Phenomena, the Defective Filter, and the "I Hate Details" Dynamic.
H. Rebellion and Perfectionism
I. Anger, Denial, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance.
J. Write down and rehearse what you are going to say; make the call from a quiet, distraction-free place; keep your notes in front of you; and stick to the script.
K. Sixty-five percent.
L. Work vs. Play, Your Needs vs. Others’ Needs, Overstimulation vs. Understimulation, Hyperactivity vs. Hypoactivity, Detailed vs. Global Thinking, and Depression vs. Euphoria.
M. The "Message Center."
N. The Intense Emotional Roller Coaster, the Bottomless Pit of Needs and Desires, and the Time Tyrant.

Course Article Questions
The answer to Question 15 is found in Section 15 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 16 is found in Section 16 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.

15. According to Wasserstein, why are the current DSM symptom thresholds for ADHD inappropriate for diagnosing ADHD in adult clients?
16. According to Wasserstein, what are key components of the diagnostic process for adult ADHD?
17. According to Stevenson, what are the goals of a cognitive remediation program for adults with ADHD?
18. In what way was Cathy’s presentation typical of adult clients with ADHD?
19. According to Robbins, what three ADHD behaviors most significantly impact adult relationships?
20. According to Quinn, what is the key reason ADHD often goes unrecognized in females?
21. What factors may delay the diagnosis of adult ADHD?
22. What are the five steps in a "Couple’s Dialogue"?
23. According to Nadeau, what are the six internal resilience factors common to successful adults with ADHD?
24. According to Nadeau, what is one strategy you might use with a client who is continually late for work?
25. Paul’s progress and ultimate career direction required what types of extensive analysis?
26. According to Yewers, what is the co-occurrence rate of ADHD and substance abuse disorders?
27. What are behaviors that are targeted for classroom observation?

A.  Initiating a dialogue, mirroring, validating, empathizing, and exchanging roles.
B.  Because ADHD is conceptualized as a developmental disability, target symptoms must be age-inappropriate relative to peers. Adult sufferers, who may still have relative deficits and show many ADHD-based problems but do not fully meet criteria because  they may have "outgrown" the normative sample, but not the disorder.
C.  She was self-referred, complained of chronic disorganization and problems with attention, had a history of diagnostic ambiguity, and sought help because of an acute problem in school or the work world.
D.  of cognitive and psychological issues as well as a detailed knowledge of the multiple workplace considerations.
E. Have the client set his alarm for a half-hour earlier than he needs to get up. When the alarm goes off, the client takes his first dose of stimulant medication, and then goes back to sleep for half an hour.
F. if an individual has protective influences such as a high IQ, a supportive family, relatively good social skills, and no symptoms of conduct disorder.
G.  Assess current level of symptoms. Assess degree of functional impairment. Establish childhood history. Perform general psychological evaluation. Obtain developmental history. Obtain family psychiatric and neuropsychiatric history. Institute specialized psychological or neuropsychological testing. Be mindful of medical mimics.
H.  Their symptoms, such as forgetfulness, disorganization, low self-esteem, anxiety, and demoralization, are all considerably less overt than the disruptive behaviors typically seen among males, and hyperactivity in females is more likely to manifest as hyper-talkativeness or emotional reactivity than excessive motor activity.
I. 50%
J. Poor communication skills, impulsive behavior, and executive dysfunction.
K. Control, desire, goal orientation, reframing, persistence, and learned creativity.
L. Reduce ADHD symptomalogy, improve organizational skills, reduce anger, and improve self-esteem.
M. problems of attention; problems of hyperactivity; problems of impulsivity; and more challenging behaviors such as severe aggressive or disruptive behavior

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