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Ba, Z., Chen, M., Lai, J., Liao, Y., Fang, H., Lu, D., Zheng, Y., Zong, K., & Lin, X. (2022). Heterogeneity of psychosocial functioning in patients with bipolar disorder: Associations with sociodemographic, clinical, neurocognitive and biochemical variables. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 900757.

Bloomfield-Clagett, B., Greenstein, D. K., Zarate, C. A., Jr, & Ballard, E. D. (2022). The association between variability, intensity, and persistence of suicidal ideation and prospective suicidal behavior in the systematic treatment enhancement program for bipolar disorder (STEP-BD) study. International journal of bipolar disorders, 10(1), 17.

Gilbert, P., Basran, J. K., Raven, J., Gilbert, H., Petrocchi, N., Cheli, S., Rayner, A., Hayes, A., Lucre, K., Minou, P., Giles, D., Byrne, F., Newton, E., & McEwan, K. (2022). Compassion Focused Group Therapy for People With a Diagnosis of Bipolar Affective Disorder: A Feasibility Study. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 841932.

Goes F. S. (2023). Diagnosis and management of bipolar disorders. BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 381, e073591.

Gutierrez, G., Stephenson, C., Eadie, J., Moghimi, E., Omrani, M., Groll, D., Soares, C. N., Milev, R., Vazquez, G., Yang, M., & Alavi, N. (2023). Evaluating the Efficacy of Web-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for the Treatment of Patients With Bipolar II Disorder and Residual Depressive Symptoms: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR research protocols, 12, e46157.

Katz, D., Miklowitz, D., Gaudiano, B., Weinstock, L., Gold, A., Nierenberg, A., & Sylvia, L. (2022). Reports of the demise of CBT for bipolar disorder have been greatly exaggerated: a response to Samamé. Bipolar disorders, 24(5), 472-473.

Martinez, D., Lavebratt, C., Millischer, V., de Jesus R de Paula, V., Pires, T., Michelon, L., Camilo, C., Esteban, N., Pereira, A., Schalling, M., & Vallada, H. (2022). Shorter telomere length and suicidal ideation in familial bipolar disorder. PloS one, 17(12), e0275999.

Mutz J. (2023). Brain stimulation treatment for bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorders, 25(1), 9-24.

Ratheesh, A., Hett, D., Ramain, J., Wong, E., Berk, L., Conus, P., Fristad, M. A., Goldstein, T., Hillegers, M., Jauhar, S., Kessing, L. V., Miklowitz, D. J., Murray, G., Scott, J., Tohen, M., Yatham, L. N., Young, A. H., Berk, M., & Marwaha, S. (2023). A systematic review of interventions in the early course of bipolar disorder I or II: a report of the International Society for Bipolar Disorders Taskforce on early intervention. International journal of bipolar disorders, 11(1), 1.

Tian, S., Zhu, R., Chen, Z., Wang, H., Chattun, M. R., Zhang, S., Shao, J., Wang, X., Yao, Z., & Lu, Q. (2023). Prediction of suicidality in bipolar disorder using variability of intrinsic brain activity and machine learning. Human brain mapping, 44(7), 2767-2777.

Tyler, D. E., Lobban, P. F., Hadarag, M. B., & Jones, P. S. (2022). A systematic review of psychosocial functioning and quality of life in older people with bipolar disorder. Journal of affective disorders reports, 9, 100371.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Boswell, J. F., Iles, B. R., Gallagher, M. W., & Farchione, T. J. (2017). Behavioral activation strategies in cognitivebehavioral therapy for anxiety disorders. Psychotherapy, 54(3), 231–236.

Boyers, G. B., & Simpson Rowe, L. (2018). Social support and relationship satisfaction in bipolar disorder. Journal of Family Psychology, 32(4), 538–543.

Dejonckheere, E., Mestdagh, M., Houben, M., Erbas, Y., Pe, M., Koval, P., Brose, A., Bastian, B., & Kuppens, P. (2018). The bipolarity of affect and depressive symptoms. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(2), 323–341.

Dhokia, M., Elander, J., Clements, K., & Gilbert, P. (2020). A randomizedcontrolled pilot trial of an online compassionate mind training intervention to help people with chronic pain avoid analgesic misuse. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication.

Dimaggio, G., & Shahar, G. (2017). Behavioral activation as a common mechanism of change across different orientations and disorders. Psychotherapy, 54(3), 221–224.

Dodd, A. L., Mansell, W., Morrison, A. P., & Tai, S. (2011). Extreme appraisals of internal states and bipolar symptoms: The Hypomanic Attitudes and Positive Predictions Inventory. Psychological Assessment, 23(3), 635–645.

Eyal, T., Steffel, M., & Epley, N. (2018). Perspective mistaking: Accurately understanding the mind of another requires getting perspective, not taking perspective. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 114(4), 547–571.

Gaudiano, B. A. (2011). Evaluating acceptance and commitment therapy: An analysis of a recent critique. International Journal of Behavioral Consultation and Therapy, 7(1), 54–65.

Gilkes, M., Perich, T., & Meade, T. (2019). Predictors of self-stigma in bipolar disorder: Depression, mania, and perceived cognitive function. Stigma and Health, 4(3), 330–336.

Goldberg, S. G. (2019). Narratives of bipolar disorder: Tensions in definitional thresholds. The Humanistic Psychologist, 47(4), 359–380. 

Grégoire, S., Chénier, C., Doucerain, M., Lachance, L., & Shankland, R. (2020). Ecological momentary assessment of stress, wellbeing, and psychological flexibility among college and university students during acceptance and commitment therapy. Canadian Journal of Behavioural Science / Revue canadienne des sciences du comportement, 52(3), 231–243.

Hayden, E. P., Bodkins, M., Brenner, C., Shekhar, A., Nurnberger, J. I., Jr., O'Donnell, B., & Hetrick, W. P. (2008). A multimethod investigation of the Behavioral Activation System in bipolar disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 117(1), 164–170.

Holtforth, M. G., & Castonguay, L. G. (2005). Relationship and techniques in cognitivebehavioral therapyA motivational approach. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 42(4), 443–455.

Jacobs, A. M., & Antony, M. M. (2009). Review of A CBTpractitioner’s guide to ACT: How to bridge the gap between cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance & commitment therapy [Review of the book A cbtPractitioner’s guide to act: How to bridge the gap between cognitive behavioral therapy and acceptance & commitment therapy, by J. V. Ciarrochi & A. Bailey]. Canadian Psychology/Psychologie canadienne, 50(4), 295–297.

Ma, G., Ma, K., Zhu, Q., Shen, C., Wang, C., Wang, J., Fan, H., & Wang, W. (2018). Nightmare experience in bipolar I and II disorders. Dreaming, 28(1), 33–42.

Malouf, J. (1996). Review of Cognitivebehavioral therapy for bipolar disorder and Cognitive therapy for delusions, voices, and paranoia [Review of the books CognitiveBehavioral therapy for bipolar disorder, & Cognitive therapy for delusions, voices, and paranoia, by M. R. Basco, A. J. Russo, P. Chadwick, M. Birchwood & P. Trower]. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research, Practice, Training, 33(4), 636–637.

Manassis, K., Lee, T. C., Bennett, K., Zhao, X. Y., Mendlowitz, S., Duda, S., Saini, M., Wilansky, P., Baer, S., Barrett, P., Bodden, D., Cobham, V. E., Dadds, M. R., FlannerySchroeder, E., Ginsburg, G., Heyne, D., Hudson, J. L., Kendall, P. C., Liber, J., . . . Wood, J. J. (2014). Types of parental involvement in CBT with anxious youth: A preliminary metaanalysis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 82(6), 1163–1172.

Martins, M. J. R. V., Castilho, P., Carvalho, C. B., Pereira, A. T., Santos, V., Gumley, A., & de Macedo, A. F. (2017). Contextual cognitivebehavioral therapies across the psychosis continuum: A review of evidence for schizophrenia, schizoaffective and bipolar disorders. European Psychologist, 22(2), 83–100.

Shore, M. F. (1976). Review of The awareness trap: Selfabsorption instead of social change [Review of the book The awareness trap: SelfAbsorption instead of social change, by E. Schur]. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 46(3), 552–553.

Simons, A. D., Padesky, C. A., Montemarano, J., Lewis, C. C., Murakami, J., Lamb, K., DeVinney, S., Reid, M., Smith, D. A., & Beck, A. T. (2010). Training and dissemination of cognitive behavior therapy for depression in adults: A preliminary examination of therapist competence and client outcomes. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 78(5), 751–756.

Sperry, S. H., & Kwapil, T. R. (2020). Bipolar spectrum psychopathology is associated with altered emotion dynamics across multiple timescales. Emotion.

Sprecher, S., Zimmerman, C., & Abrahams, E. M. (2010). Choosing compassionate strategies to end a relationship: Effects of compassionate love for partner and the reason for the breakup. Social Psychology, 41(2), 66–75.

Twohig, M. P., Ong, C. W., Krafft, J., Barney, J. L., & Levin, M. E. (2019). Starting off on the right foot in acceptance and commitment therapy. Psychotherapy, 56(1), 16–20.

Urošević, S., Halverson, T., Youngstrom, E. A., & Luciana, M. (2018). Probabilistic reinforcement learning abnormalities and their correlates in adolescent bipolar disorders. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 127(8), 807–817.

Additional References:
Bergner, Raymond M.;  "Pathological SelfCriticism: Assessment and Treatment."  Plenum Press.  New York, NY.  1995.
Carlson, Richard, Ph.D.;  "You Can Feel Good Again."  Dutton published by Penguin Books.  New York, NY.  1993.

Castle, Lana R.;  "Bipolar Disorder Demystified."  Marlowe and Company.  New York, NY.  2002.

Cassidy, C., & Erdal, K. (2020). Assessing and addressing stigma in bipolar disorder: The impact of cause and treatment information on stigma. Stigma and Health, 5(1), 104–113.

Crowe, Marie; Inder, Maree; Joyce, Peter; Moor, Stephanie; Carter, Janet; Luty, Sue; A developmental approach to the treatment of bipolar disorder: IPSRT with an adolescent; Journal of Clinical Nursing, January 2009, Vol 18 Issue 1, p141.

Dunne, L., Perich, T., & Meade, T. (2019). The relationship between social support and personal recovery in bipolar disorder. Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal, 42(1), 100–103.

Fawcett, Jan, M.D.;  "New Hope for People with Bipolar Disorder, revised second edition."  Three Rivers Press.  New York, NY. 2001.

Gonzalez, Jodi M.; Prihoda, Thomas J.. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 2007, Vol. 61 Issue 4

Jenn, M. W. (2014). Diagnosis and Treatment of Bipolar Disorders in Adults: A Review of the Evidence on Pharmacologic Treatments. American Health & Drug Benefits, 9(7). p. 489499.

Helmstetter, Shad, Ph.D.;  "What To Say When You Talk to Yourself."  Simon & Schuster.  New York, NY.  1982.

Jones SH, Bipolar Disorders, 2005 Feb; Vol. 7

Lobban, Fiona; SolisTrapala, Ivonne; Tyler, Elizabeth; Chandler, Claire; Morriss, Richard. The Role of Beliefs About Mood Swings in Determining Outcome in Bipolar Disorder. Cognitive Therapy & Research. Feb2013, Vol. 37 Issue 1, p5160.

McDougall, Tim; Nursing Children and Adolescents With Bipolar Disorder: Assessment, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Management; Journal of Child & Adolescent Psychiatric Nursing, February 2009, Vol 22 Issue 1, p33

McKay, Matthew, Ph.D. & Fanning, Patrick.;  "SelfEsteem."  New Harbinger Publications.  Oakland, CA.  1987.

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Perich, T.; Manicavasagar, V.; Mitchell, P. B.; Ball, J. R.; HadziPavlovic, D. A randomized controlled trial of mindfulnessbased cognitive therapy for bipolar disorder. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. May2013, Vol. 127 Issue 5, p333343.

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