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Brown, T. A., & Keel, P. K. (2023). Eating Disorders in Boys and Men. Annual review of clinical psychology, 19, 177-205.

Cascino, G., Marciello, F., D'Agostino, G., Toricco, R., Barone, E., & Monteleone, A. M. (2022). Using network analysis to explore the association between eating disorders symptoms and aggressiveness in Bulimia nervosa. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 907620.

Filipponi, C., Visentini, C., Filippini, T., Cutino, A., Ferri, P., Rovesti, S., Latella, E., & Di Lorenzo, R. (2022). The Follow-Up of Eating Disorders from Adolescence to Early Adulthood: A Systematic Review. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(23), 16237.

House, E. T., Lister, N. B., Seidler, A. L., Li, H., Ong, W. Y., McMaster, C. M., Paxton, S. J., & Jebeile, H. (2022). Identifying eating disorders in adolescents and adults with overweight or obesity: A systematic review of screening questionnaires. The International journal of eating disorders, 55(9), 1171-1193.

Kaidesoja, M., Cooper, Z., & Fordham, B. (2023). Cognitive behavioral therapy for eating disorders: A map of the systematic review evidence base. The International journal of eating disorders, 56(2), 295-313.

Mathisen, T. F., Sundgot-Borgen, J., Rosenvinge, J. H., Bratland-Sanda, S., Svendsen, M., Pettersen, G., Vrabel, K., & Friborg, O. (2023). Metabolic profile in women with bulimia nervosa or binge-eating disorder before and after treatment: secondary analysis from the randomized PED-t trial. Eating and weight disorders : EWD, 28(1), 41.

Melisse, B., Berg, E. V. D., Jonge, M., Blankers, M., Furth, E. V., Dekker, J., & Beurs, E. (2023). Efficacy of Web-Based, Guided Self-help Cognitive Behavioral Therapy-Enhanced for Binge Eating Disorder: Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of medical Internet research, 25, e40472.

Mohorić, T., Pokrajac-Bulian, A., Anić, P., Kukić, M., & Mohović, P. (2022). Emotion regulation, perfectionism, and eating disorder symptoms in adolescents: the mediating role of cognitive eating patterns. Current psychology (New Brunswick, N.J.), 1-12. Advance online publication.

Moore, E., & Waller, G. (2023). Brief group cognitive-behavioral therapy for bulimia nervosa and binge-eating disorder: A pilot study of feasibility and acceptability. The International journal of eating disorders, 56(6), 1228-1232.

Penazzi, G., & De Pisapia, N. (2022). Direct comparisons between hypnosis and meditation: A mini-review. Frontiers in psychology, 13, 958185.

Schmidt, M., Taube, C. O., Heinrich, T., Vocks, S., & Hartmann, A. S. (2022). Body image disturbance and associated eating disorder and body dysmorphic disorder pathology in gay and heterosexual men: A systematic analyses of cognitive, affective, behavioral und perceptual aspects. PloS one, 17(12), e0278558.

Zanella, E., & Lee, E. (2022). Integrative review on psychological and social risk and prevention factors of eating disorders including anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa: seven major theories. Heliyon, 8(11), e11422.

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Additional References:
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Wilson, G. Terence; Sysko, Robyn; Frequency of Binge Eating Episodes in Bulimia Nervosa and Binge Eating Disorder: Diagnostic Considerations; International Journal of Eating Disorders; 200911; Vol. 42; Issue 7

Table of Contents