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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. What are motives clients have for binging?
2. What are manifestations of depression in bulimic clients?
3. What are concepts related to self-image distortion in bulimic clients?
4. What are binge trigger categories?
5. What are concepts of interpersonal relationships?
6. What are aspects of binging as a result of anxiety?
7. What are connections of anger to eating in binging and purging clients?
8. What are concepts related to boredom and loneliness with regards to binge eating?
9. What are techniques that can be helpful in restoring confidence in bulimic clients?
10. What are different levels of overeating?
11. What are techniques for redefining hunger for overeating clients?
12. What are concepts related to binge regression?
13. What are concepts related to the compulsive dieter?
14. What are aspects of releasing clients from their diets?


A. weight-obsessive thoughts; overestimating size; and unrealistic standards.
B. food and eating; body weight and shape; and negative emotions.
C. Beauty is the Beholder; Overcoming the Approval Trap; and Relabel Problems.
D. overt anger; suppressed anger; and illogical thinking.
E. Recognizing Mouth Hunger Phrases; Hunger Log; Demand Feeding; and Responding to Hunger.
F. guilt; worthlessness; and social withdrawal.
G. food users; food abusers; and food addicts.
H.  avoiding failure; handling stress; postponing sexual relations; and eliciting attention
I. generalized anxiety; fortune telling; and source identification.
J. providing occupation; providing companionship; and feelings of inadequacy. 
K. early childhood development; as a means to please; and secrecy.
L. self-criticism during a binge; panic; and guilt.
M. reluctance; depression; and weight acceptance.
N. addressing failure; addressing the need to control; and overcoming the need for self-criticism


15. What are the socioeconomic factors related to bulimia nervosa? 
16. What personality disorders are linked to bulimia nervosa?   
17. What are impulsive behaviors for which women with bulimia are at a higher-than-average risk for? 
18. What are the goals of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy with bulimic clients? 
19. Beck suggests that a cognitive continuum technique is often useful with clients displaying dichotomous thinking. What are the benefits of a cognitive continuum technique?
20. What is the focus of interpersonal therapy with a bulimic or binge eating client? 
21. What family treatment for bulimia nervosa was explored in this article? 
22. According to Le Grange et al., what should be the focus of Phase II of treatment for a bulimic client?
23. What are some examples of behavioral techniques used with bulimic clients?
24. Why does assessing the percentage of male athletes suffering from either anorexia or bulimia prove even more difficult than in the general population?
25. What are the "red flags" of eating disorders specific to adolescent males? 
26. Why has group counseling with adolescent boys suffering from body image disorders proved to be so effective?


A.  The Maudsley Family-Based Treatment Approach
B.  (1) Age 14 to 18 years (2) Athletes in sports that focus on body image and weight classifications (3) Homosexuality or confusion related to sexual identification (4) Occurrence of mental disorders that appear co-morbid with eating disorders (5) Recent turmoil in the home environment such as death of a loved one, divorce, moving, and financial difficulties (6) Presence of family members suffering from an eating disorder as well as a family environment that stresses physical appearance and body image
C. (1) economically developed nation (2) Some studies suggest that those in lower economic groups may be at higher risk for bulimia. (3) City living is a risk factor for bulimia. (4) People with eating disorders scored significantly higher than average on IQ tests. People with bulimia had higher nonverbal than verbal scores.
D. (1) Borderline personalities (2) histrionic personalities (3) Narcissism
E.  not buying trigger foods or avoiding certain shops; that is, building up new habits to replace existing ones,  modifying eating behavior such as eating in the same place each day, or concentrating solely on eating and not watching television at the same time.
F.  sexual promiscuity, self-cutting, and kleptomania.
G.  In this form of therapy, the patient and therapist concentrate on the patient's personal relationships, emphasizing one of four themes: loss, disputes, life transitions, and isolation or loneliness.
H.  Negotiating for a New Pattern of Relationships
I.  Because many boys with body image disorders suffer in silence, learning that other boys in their peer group suffer from the same insecurities and receiving support from those peers can be quite beneficial to adolescent boys working within a single-gender support group.
J.  (1) Becoming aware of emotions. (2) Regulating the emotions. (3) Learning how to identify painful feelings. (4) Learning how to relate to other people.
K.  Difficulty in assessing male athletes suffering from anorexia or bulimia is due to a myriad of factors that include: methodological limitations from the current literature, assessments that rely on self-report, and lack of uniform criteria across studies
L.  This technique is effective not only in modifying the beliefs that reflect polarized thinking but also in facilitating the recognition of the middle ground.

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