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Békés, V., Roberts, K., & Németh, D. (2023). Competitive neurocognitive processes following bereavement. Brain research bulletin, 199, 110663.

Fancourt, D., Finn, S., Warran, K., & Wiseman, T. (2022). Group singing in bereavement: effects on mental health, self-efficacy, self-esteem and well-being. BMJ supportive & palliative care, 12(e4), e607–e615.

Lamon, L., De Hert, M., Detraux, J., & Hompes, T. (2022). Depression and post-traumatic stress disorder after perinatal loss in fathers: A systematic review. European psychiatry : the journal of the Association of European Psychiatrists, 65(1), e72.

Lenferink, L. I. M., Franzen, M., Ten Klooster, P. M., Knaevelsrud, C., Boelen, P. A., & Heeke, C. (2023). The Traumatic Grief Inventory-Clinician Administered: A psychometric evaluation of a new interview for ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR prolonged grief disorder severity and probable caseness. Journal of affective disorders, 330, 188–197.

Lenferink, L. I. M., Sveen, J., & Maccallum, F. (2023). Editorial: Consequences and aftercare of a traumatic loss of a loved one. Frontiers in psychiatry, 13, 1111000.

Mathieu, S., Todor, R., De Leo, D., & Kõlves, K. (2022). Coping Styles Utilized during Suicide and Sudden Death Bereavement in the First Six Months. International journal of environmental research and public health, 19(22), 14709.

Nelson, K., Lukawiecki, J., Waitschies, K., Jackson, E., & Zivot, C. (2022). Exploring the Impacts of an Art and Narrative Therapy Program on Participants' Grief and Bereavement Experiences. Omega, 302228221111726. Advance online publication.

Oates, J. R., & Maani, C. V. (2022). Death and Dying. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Sedaghati, S. A., Bera, R. B., & Baker, J. (2023). Grief Support. In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing.

Tey, M. Q., & Lee, G. L. (2022). Understanding Bereavement Experiences and Coping Among Bereaved Family Caregivers in Singapore: Positive Meaning Reconstruction in the Dual Process Model. Omega, 302228221133584. Advance online publication.

Uneno, Y., Kotera, Y., Fujisawa, D., Kataoka, Y., Kosugi, K., Murata, N., Kessoku, T., Ozaki, A., Miyatake, H., & Muto, M. (2022). Development of a novel COMPAssion focused online psyChoTherapy for bereaved informal caregivers: the COMPACT feasibility trial protocol. BMJ open, 12(12), e067187.

Wen, F. H., Prigerson, H. G., Chou, W. C., Huang, C. C., Hu, T. H., Chiang, M. C., Chuang, L. P., & Tang, S. T. (2022). How symptoms of prolonged grief disorder, posttraumatic stress disorder, and depression relate to each other for grieving ICU families during the first two years of bereavement. Critical care (London, England), 26(1), 336.

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Beller, J., & Wagner, A. (2018). Loneliness, social isolation, their synergistic interaction, and mortality. Health Psychology, 37(9), 808–813.

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Merluzzi, T. V., Burgio, K. L., & Glass, C. R. (1984). Cognition and psychopathology: An analysis of social introversion and self-statements. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 52(6), 1102–1103. 

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Presseau, C., Contractor, A. A., Reddy, M. K., & Shea, M. T. (2018). Childhood maltreatment and post-deployment psychological distress: The indirect role of emotional numbing. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 10(4), 411–418. 

Riggs, D. S. (2014). Traumatized relationships: Symptoms of posttraumatic stress disorder, fear of intimacy, and marital adjustment in dual trauma couples. Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy, 6(3), 201–206.

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Smith, K. V., & Ehlers, A. (2020). Cognitive predictors of grief trajectories in the first months of loss: A latent growth mixture model. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 88(2), 93–105.

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Stappenbeck, C. A., George, W. H., Staples, J. M., Nguyen, H., Davis, K. C., Kaysen, D., Heiman, J. R., Masters, N. T., Norris, J., Danube, C. L., Gilmore, A. K., & Kajumulo, K. F. (2016). In-the-moment dissociation, emotional numbing, and sexual risk: The influence of sexual trauma history, trauma symptoms, and alcohol intoxication. Psychology of Violence, 6(4), 586–595.

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Additional References:
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- Carpinello, Sharon, RN, Ph.D. Grief Counseling Resource Guide. New York State Office of Mental Health. 2004.

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- Jacobs, Selby, Prigerson, Holly, Screening, Psychotherapy of Traumatic Grief: A Review of Evidence for Psychotherapeutic Treatments; Death Studies; Sept 2000; Vol. 24; Issue 6.

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- McBride, Joseph & Steven Simms, Death in the Family: Adapting a Family Systems Framework to the Grief Process, American Journal of Family Therapy, Jan/Feb 2001, Vol. 29, Issue 1.

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- Nickerson, Angela; Liddell, Belinda J.; Maccallum, Fiona; Steel, Zachary; Silove, Derrick; Bryant, Richard A. Posttraumatic stress disorder and prolonged grief in refugees exposed to trauma and loss. BMC Psychiatry. 2014, Vol. 14 Issue 1, p1-19. 19p. 5 Charts, 1 Graph. DOI: 10.1186/1471-244X-14-106.

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Table of Contents