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Psychologist Post-Test

Answer questions. Then click the "Check Your Score" button. When you get a score of 80% or higher, and place a credit card order, you can download a Certificate for 1 CE.


1. What is Selective Mutism?
2. How GAD can be differentiated from separation anxiety?
3. What should be considered in the differential diagnosis under Social Phobia?
4. What needs to be considered in the differential diagnosis of OCD?
5. What are Common treatment components under Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment?
6. What is the treatment of choice?


A. By its pervasive nature and presence across different contexts (e.g. school, home and peer relations).
B. Characterized by the consistent failure to speak in specific social situations in which there is the expectancy for speech, despite speaking in other situations, such as the home.
C. The eating rituals of anorexic or bulimic patients and the rigid personality traits characteristic of obsessive-compulsive
personality disorder.
D. panic disorder with agoraphobia; separation anxiety disorder; generalized anxiety disorder; and specific phobia
E. A multimodal approach with or without pharmacotherapy.
F. desensitization; prolonged exposure; modeling; contingency management; self-management/cognitive strategies; relaxation; visual imagery; self-affirmative statements; self-instruction; identifying faulty cognitions; and replacing faulty cognitions with adaptive thoughts

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