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Psychologist Post-Test

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1. Utilizing an abundance of theories about emotional disorders enhance the human tendency to do what ?
2. To effectively deal with conceptualizing, the therapist has to elicit what from the client ?
3. What is one method to motivate a client to do homework?
4. What is the "Divide and conquer" intervention technique?
5. What is one way of presenting automatic thoughts to your client?
6. What is a technique to help the client distance himself from the anxiety?
7. What is the purpose to your client to count automatic thoughts?
8. What are six key points for asking questions of an anxious child or adult?
9. What are some interventions to assist your client in answering the question "What's the evidence?"?
10. What are interventions to assist your client in answering the question "What's Another Way Of Looking At It?"
11. What are interventions to assist your client in answering the question "So What If It Happens?"?
12. What are examples of characteristic thinking of an anxiety disordered client?
13. The negative evaluation of self may further interfere with what?
14. Even large successes in the past may have no permanent effect because the "vulnerable" client feels he or she will what?
15. What is one problem regarding retaining confidence?
16. The question of self-confidence raises what question?
17. What is an example of interventions specifically intended for children who have an anxiety disorder?


a. as being similar to subliminal advertisements
b. Decatastrophising, Coping Plans, and Point/Counterpoint
c. fail
d. complicate problems
e. Generating Alternative Interpretations, Dysfunctional Thought Records, Decentering, Enlarging Perspective, Reattribution
f. video time and picture on the wall
g. what the problem means to the client
h. explaining rationale for particular assignments
i. refer to him as "it" or by his first name
j. focus in on the components of the client's anxiety that have the least resistance
k. this technique helps your client to see how his thoughts produce, maintain, and intensify this or her anxiety
l. focus, concreteness, purpose, trust, pacing, and level of depth
m. Analysis of Faulty Logic, a Three-Column Technique, Providing Information, and Hypothesis Testing
n. Stimulus Generalization, Catastrophizing, and Dichotomous Thinking.
o. What psychological and physical mechanisms lead to poor performance?
p. performance and reinforces the notion of being deficient
q. the change in context from non-evaluative to evaluative may increase the client's sence of vulnerability


18. What are three types of reactions your Client may have to a threat?
19. What are six stages in the creation of emotions?
20. Ideally your anxiety disordered client learns to pose what kind of questions?
21. Primal responses are not voluntary and appear to be what?

a. mobilization, inhibition, demobilization
b. The same questions you pose in the session.
c. Facing an Unknown, Activating Emotional Memories, Creating Images, Activating Belief System, Blocking of Acceptance... Creating Subjective Feelings, Motivation
d. programmed

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