Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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LVR - Interventions for Leaving the Violent Relationship Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 What are three steps to the “Three-Step Contextualization” method?
1.2 What are three physical ailments battered women report which are non-related to the abuse they are experiencing?
2.1 What may a battered woman’s role as the Irresponsible Child allow her to have?
2.2 What are four questions, a therapist may ask a client to see how his/her role as the irresponsible child was holding him/her back from making any of his/her own decisions?
3.1 What may the “Charming but Phony” behavior of a man be used for?
4.1 What are some check list questions for therapists to consider when dealing with mentally or physically handicapped clients regarding supporting her decision to leave?
4.2 Although battered women have no power over these, what kind of risks still negatively impact a client’s safety and her decision to leave?
5.1 How did Luce Irigaray see the therapy goal of leaving?
6.1 What is the Anger Letter Exercise for?
6.2 What are the steps to the “Anger Letter?”
7.1 What is the Motives Exercise for?
7.2 What is ‘Avoidance Behavior’?
7.3 What do many battered women create in order to avoid their own feelings of anger and assertiveness towards the male batterer?
8.1 What are characteristics to determine when a male batterer’s anger is escalating?
9.1 In the book, Lawyer’s Manual on Domestic Violence, what are seven forms of evidence that battered clients can use?
9.2 According to the Women’s Advocacy Program, battered women who attempt to leave their abusers increases their chances of being killed by their abusers by what percentage?
10.1 When may the “Cycle of Addiction” begin?
10.2 When may battered women become overpowered by feelings of grief and loneliness?
11.1 What are four steps in the “Rejecting Negative Messages” exercise?
12.1 Under Family and Friends as Life Preserver, what are four steps that a client may follow to seek support from her family and friends?
13.1 How may clients create an emotional getaway?
14.1 What are five hidden fear questions?

A. Blood pressure, to asthmatic attacks, to skin irritations
B. Step 1: look at the battered woman’s symptoms contextually, Step 2: connect the problem with the events that took place at the time the symptoms began, Step 3: the battered woman can begin to develop coping strategies to overcome the symptoms
C. 1. Are you able to choose your friends? 2. Do you decide how to use your time? 3. Do you decide what to eat, wear, and how to look? 4. Do you decide how much money to spend?
D. Her fundamental rights as an abused person, be an important factor in her decision to leave
E. “Do I understand her perspective regarding her mental or physical impairment? Do I understand how her abusive partner may manipulate such risks to further his control?”
F. To gain support for his view that all the problems are his partner's fault, or to get recognition for his own bolstered view of himself
G. As constructing a separate, unique, and powerful position for the battered woman
H. Life-generated risks
I. 1. Introduce the task to the battered client 2. Discuss the ground rules for the exercise 4. Have the battered woman read her letter aloud 5. Give support 6. Dispose of the letter 7. Give appropriate anger responses
J. This can help a battered woman identify and express her anger in a safe and healthy way
K. The client avoids seeing the true behavior of the male batterer
L. Help the client to uncover some of the truths about the abuse
M. He starts to cuss, sweat, clenches his fists, or bulges his eyes before he becomes violently angry
N. A defense mechanism of feeling sorry for her batterer
O. 75%
P. Photographs of the injuries, 911 call record, medical records, statements, criminal records, crime scenes and photographs, taps and tapes
Q. When the man removes himself for long periods of time
R. When the battered woman feels an overwhelming need for her partner, which is fulfilling at first
S. 1. Find someone to trust 2. Have a general discussion with this trusted person about the use. 3.Vent out your feelings 4. Find multiple sources to confide in
T. 1. Write down negative messages 2. Place a wastebasket in the center of the room 3. Read messages allowed 4. Throw the messages away
U. 1. What are the feelings you dislike experiencing the most? 2. What kinds of situations usually cause you to feel that way? 3. What about that situation makes you feel that way? 4. What's the worst thing that could happen in this situation? 5. What's the best thing that could happen to you in this situation?”
V. By hiding emotions as well as their bruises from the people with which they were closest to

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 23 is found in Section 23 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 24 is found in Section 24 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 Medicalization of violence and its victims is examined from what two perspectives?
16.1 What is ‘natural crisis management’?
17.1 From what three sources do situational crises originate from?
18.1 According to Beck, what happens when people overemphasize the significance of personal success, or national superiority?
19.1 According to Beck, what may a different kind of “offense” lead to?
20.1 How are categorical rules different from conditional rules?
21.1 According to Walker, what is the percentage of male batterers who were unemployed?
22.1 According to Bandura, what are two important determinants of behavior?
23.1 According to Fairweather, what is one of the best predictors of whether released mental patients will survive in the community without being re-hospitalized?
24.1 According to Mercy and O’Carroll, what is the first step in developing a predictive model?
25.1 According to Runge, what is one example of legislation that would increase employment protections for victims of domestic violence?
26.1 According to the American Institute on Domestic Violence, what is the estimated domestic violence cost of employers every year?

A. A process that is an organic part of the human response to traumatic life events
B. (1) How did the victims interpret their status with regard to illness and health while they were battered? (2) Can a medical paradigm explain the process by which these women finally ended their violent relationships?
C. People may slip into the trap of regarding individual competitors, members of outgroups, or citizens of other nations as less worthy than themselves
D. (1) Material or environmental (2) personal or physical and (3) interpersonal or social
E. Categorical rules are generally loose, while conditional rules are tight and specific
F. Anger and desire to punish the offender
G. 1) Whether the individual believes that he/she can perform a behavior and 2) Whether the behavior will produce a given outcome
H. 15%
I. The uncovering of factors associated with a phenomenon
J. The degree of support provided by their families
K. Between $3-5 billion every year
L. Battered Women’s Employment Protection Act (BWEPA)