Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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CDV - Treating Children of Domestic Violence Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1.1 What might cause a role reversal between a child and parent?
2.1 What are three crisis behaviors that children of domestic abuse often experience?
2.2 What are three steps that can help children with crisis behaviors?
3.1 What are four anger release techniques?
5.1 What are advantages of using the Lists and Unfinished Sentence technique with children of domestic abuse?
5.2 What are some example topics for List-Making?
6.1 What is ‘Clustering’ designed for?
7.1 What are three ‘bullets’ that come from using children as weapons?

A. Emotional suffering, inappropriate aggression, hiding the problem
B. A consequence of the violence she had witnessed between her parents
C. 1) Writing a letter to their parents during the session and then ripping it up 2) pounding on their bed at home; 3 shredding sheets of newspaper during the session; 4 screaming into a pillow at the therapist’s office or at home
D. Spend time, name feelings, reinforce
E. ‘family members with whom I feel guilty,’ ‘things I do when I’m angry,’ ‘my problem solving techniques’
F. Children can write about the first thing that popped into their mind without worrying about where they were headed with topic and helps clients organize thoughts and feelings out about a large or unclear issue
G. Control, blame, alientation
H. To allow the creative, intuitive part of the client’s mind to generate new ideas about a subject

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 9 is found in Section 9 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 10 is found in Section 10 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


8.1 According to Bowker, what percentage of the time does the batterer beat both the woman and children, if they are present?
10.1 What are some goals for groups of battered women?
10.2 What are some key needs for children?
10.3 What might children feel when they see violence?
10.4 What are some issues women might address in group sessions?
11.1 According to McCord, what are some childhood predictive factors that account for later violence in the child’s life?
11.2 What percent of juvenile offenders avoid arrest upon reaching adulthood?
13.1 What is an example of how children and adults anger reactions differ?
15.1 What are three main sources that police resist to a full-service commitment in domestic disputes?
16.1 According to Schlesinger, what are some advantages of living in a single parent household that children may say?
16.2 According to Schlesinger, what are some problems of single parent fathers?

A. Recognize how children experience confusion related to the abuse of their mother and how their confusion is often similar to an abused woman’s; identify factors that contribute to the impact of abuse on children; understand the key issues for children in violent homes; process ideas on the needs of children living in violent homes; experience feelings that group members had as children in their family-of-origin settings.
B. 70%
C. Powerless, confused, angry, guilty, sad, afraid, alone
D. To be listened to and believed, to have a safe place to express their feelings, to be told that they are not alone, to be told the violence is not their fault, to have support from family, friends, counselors, to learn that conflict can be resolved without abuse, to develop their own personal power
E. Boys who lacked supervision, whose mothers lacked self-confidence, who had been exposed to parental conflict and to aggression were subsequently convicted more for personal crimes
F. Some group members will not have any children, some believe that their children have not been affected by the abuse, members will state that they do not want their children to grow up being abused or abusive
G. A family doctor injecting a child makes the child angry because its painful, but the child doesn’t know it necessary, an adult accepts the pain because he knows its necessary and acceptable
H. 61%
I. Financial problems, child care, social life, homemaking, personal problems, community support seems lacking to single fathers
J. a) job-related beliefs, values, and attitudes of police officers; b) bureaucratic-managerial resistances within the force; c) general societal beliefs, values, and attitudes
K. Closer to mother, more responsibility, helping in household, get along with siblings, more friends, trusted more, moving to new area, closer to father