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SCB - Separation Counseling: Brief Interventions for Divorcing Couples Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


2.1 How might ‘Treating Yourself’ be beneficial for clients who are separating?
2.2 What does ‘Making a Comfortable Nest’ include?
2.3 What are two mistakes recently separated clients tend to make when it comes to financial settlements?
3.1 How may children, coming from a broken home, NOT turn out badly?
5.1 What is the key point in the ‘Compassionate Perspective’?
5.2 How may a client unrestrict the idea of worth?
6.1 How may a client increase his/her awareness of intimate discontent?
6.2 What are major obstacles to intimacy?
7.1 What may be a core issue for clients with anxiety, specifically after a divorce?
7.2 What is one way for clients to find out that they can tolerate reality?
8.1 What technique may benefit the client by working through his/her understandable obsessive thoughts?
9.1 How may a client participate in the ‘hanging judge’ syndrome?
9.2 What technique may be helpful for divorced and self-critical clients who are suffering from the ‘hanging judge’ syndrome?
10.1 What are six unique symptoms divorced clients may experience?
10.2 What are common symptoms divorced clients may experience frequently?
10.3 What is the ‘Laugh at Stress’ technique?
11.1 What technique involves asking a client what he/she predominantly feels at that moment, then asking him/her to make a list of words that more accurately describe his/her feelings?
11.2 How may the ‘Frustration Towel Twist’ technique be beneficial?
12.1 What may scorekeeping mean?
13.1 What are two important ground rules for the listener, in the ‘Speaker-Listener’ technique?
13.2 What issue is tackled when using the ‘Speaker-Listener’ technique?
14.1 What might be definitions of forgiveness?

A. Eating properly, getting good sleep, and taking care of yourself
B. Treating yourself may allow the client to take advantage of his/her new freedoms, thus, embracing his/her separation
C. Try and ensure regular, consistent, dependable contact between the children and the non-custodial parent
D. To surrender financial rights by saying ‘I want nothing from you’, ‘You take everything’, and to blindly trust a spouse’s word about support payments or division of assets without getting it down in writing
E. By considering worth equally distributed and undisputable
F. ‘In the face of struggle, you carry on’
G. Attempts to deny, ignore, and rationalize away reality
H. By defining what ‘something better’ is for the client
I. Feeling an emotion
J. Intolerance of uncertainty
K. When clients tend to be overly vocal about the criticisms, verbally berating oneself or even condemning their own character
L. Thought Stopping cognitive-behavioral technique
M. Hypertension (high blood pressure), Atherosclerosis (high cholesterol level), Heart attack (myocardial infarction), Heart failure, Peptic ulcer (gastric or duodenal), and Alcoholism
N. The ‘Critical List’ technique
O. It uses humor to help foster an acceptance of the adversity which causes stress
P. Insomnia, headaches, allergies, teeth grinding, jaw clenching, nausea, indigestion, heartburn, backaches and stiff necks
Q. By using the exercise, when a client is frustrated, he/she may be able to approach the frustration more rationally, and focus on using conversation patterns he/she had practiced with a therapy in their sessions
R. The ‘Feelings Excavation’ technique
S. The client can make sure to paraphrase what has been said, and not to rebut
T. Scorekeeping can mean that one person does not feel recognized for their efforts, or that he or she feels controlled and is keeping track of all of the times they have felt the other person has taken advantage of them
U. The client accepts his or her humanity as a human being; the client acknowledges the freedom to fail; the client accepts responsibility for his or her failures; the client can forgive him or herself for his or her failures; the client can begin again
V. Trust issue

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 23 is found in Section 23 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 24 is found in Section 24 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 Each year, how many children experience their parents divorcing?
16.1 What is the ‘men-must-be-strong’ ethos?
17.1 According to Baum, what should a therapist do when the patient decides to cease treatment on his/her own?
18.1 What may be unrealistic or ‘potentially dangerous’ to assume by children when their parents are going through a divorce?
19.1 According to Ganske, how may parents dramatically increase their odds of raising happy, well-adjusted kids?
20.1 According to Gove and Shin, what is inversely related to psychological distress?
21.1 According to Stone, what does a man’s postdivorce psychological well-being depend on?
22.1 What importance does Solberg emphasize?
23.1 According to Mead and Smith, what is important for children’s self-esteem and self-identity?
24.1 According to Tyre, what might be the best answer to low-conflict marriages?
25.1 What are examples of differences in working with couples rather than individuals?
26.1 What are three broad categories of conflict that couples experience?

A. It teaches that men who seek help are weak, vulnerable, and incompetent
B. More than 1 million children
C. That parents will act reasonably or that an arrangement that parents can agree upon will necessarily put the child's best interests first
D. The therapist should make every effort to persuade him to return for at least one more session, possibly several, to express his feelings and thoughts about the therapy.
E. Age
F. Parents who remain loving (but firm) and consistent throughout their divorce
G. The importance of attempting to see children as they are
H. The interconnections between father role satisfaction, role clarity, father's age, level of social support, development of a new intimate relationship, and custody status
I. Get help and stick it out
J. Maintenance of contact
K. First, the dilemma between power and vulnerability; second, the baggage and styles of relating brought from families of origin; and third, the polarization between the genders — which takes its toll even in same-sex couples.
L. The amount of bitterness and conflict presented, the presence of real-time 'problems' rather than a wish to reflect, a tendency towards triangulation, numerous traps where the counselor gets caught by one of the partners, and the looming consequence of a relationship breaking up rather than transforming