Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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CRI - Crisis Intervention: Assessment & Practical Trauma Strategies Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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1.1 What are the five factors in the “Common Denominators Assessment” technique that helps identify clients in a crisis?
2.1 What are two important concepts regarding the first stage of interviewing during a crisis intervention?
2.2 What are some basic questions to keep in mind that may help structure and organize listening and note taking during an intervention?
3.1 What are three important factors of the middle phase of the crisis interview?
3.2 What are some of Jacobson’s methodological guidelines?
3.3 What are Strupp’s three conditions necessary for both behavior change and an understanding of the client’s inner world to take place?
4.1 What might be some advantages of the 1-2-3 technique?
5.1 What are some questions included in the “Benjamin self-assessment” technique to review skills used during a telephone crisis intervention?
6.1 What are three phases of a crisis group therapy technique?
7.1 When a threatening situation emerges, appraisal occurs in what three stages?
8.1 What might be a barrier to establishing a therapeutic rapport with a client during his crisis?
8.2 How might the “immediate results” technique assure the clients that they are getting help from their therapist?
9.1 What are four important concepts in the treatment of a case of crisis precipitated by a sudden status change?
10.1 What are the three phases of reaction in the McDonald’s technique?
11.1 What might be four tasks that mothers of premature babies should work through in order to come through the experience in a healthy way?
12.1 What are steps to the “Terrible Name” technique that helps a client reassess their own value regarding a divorce?
14.1 What are three questions in the “Magic Rescuer” technique?

A. Beginning preparation, reviewing important questions
B. Time, behavior change, subjective aspects, relativistic aspects, organismic tension
C. Strupp’s conditions, Jacobson guidelines, smooth focus phrases technique
D. What prompted the client to seek help now? What happened to cause this crisis? How is the client trying to solve the crisis? What is working? What is not working? How was the client behaving before the crisis? How is the client behaving now? Has anything like this happened to the client before? How was it handled?
E. 1) the therapist creates and maintains a helping relationship characterized by respect, interest, understanding, tact, maturity, and a firm belief in her or his ability to help 2) this first condition creates a power base from which the therapist may influence the client through one or more of the following: suggestions; encouragement for openness of communication; interpretations of self defeating strategies in interpersonal relations and distorted beliefs; setting an example of maturity and providing a model; contracts and rewards 3) both preceding conditions are crucially dependent on a client who has the capacity and willingness to profit from the experience.
F. Aactive exploration of the current situation in order to identify the precipitating event in instances where the precipitating event is not obvious; listening for mention of situations in the client’s past even symbolically analogous to the current predicament; stating the client’s problem to her or him concisely and in language that she or he can understand in order to facilitate insight and integration of facts
G. Did I help the caller to look squarely at his own life situation and to explore and express it, or did she or he perceived him or herself through the eyes of someone else? Did I enable the caller to tell me how he or she genuinely feels and how things truly look to him? Did I let the client explore what he or she wanted to in his or her way, or did I lead her or him in a direction you chose for him or her? Did I help the caller to formulate and evaluate the range of options and choices open to her or him, limited as the options may be?
H. Asking the client to state the three most significant problems says to the client that she or he is an active participant in the crisis resolution process, it also indicates to the client that she or he has something to say about countering the forces that brought her or him into crisis, and that she or he is responsible for seeking a solution
I. Primary appraisal made to judge the perceived outcome of the event in relation to your future goals and values; a secondary appraisal an individual assess the range of coping alternatives available either to master the threat or achieve a positive outcome; ongoing reappraisals as coping activities are selected and initiated, and feedback cues from changing internal and external environments lead to changes in the original perception
J. The formulation of a crisis situation, intervention, and termination
K. It provides clients with evidence that the therapist was able to provide immediate help
L. An essential distrust of authority figures
M. Acute reaction, outward adjustment, long term process – reorganization
N. Understand social roles, assessment, intervention techniques, and anticipatory planning
O. Write down some of the names you call yourself, or terms you apply to yourself when you are thinking about the divorce; list some of the conclusions you have drawn about yourself or your relationships to others following the divorce; ask yourself how you would feel if another person called you those names; finally monitor your negative self-talk to help you reassess your value
P. She must realize she may lose the baby, she must acknowledge failure in her perceived maternal function to deliver a full-term baby, after separation from the infant as a result of a long hospital stay, she must resume her relationship with the baby to prepare for its homecoming, she must prepare herself for the job of caring for the baby through an understand of its special needs and growth patters.
Q. 1. If you could have a magic rescuer, what would that person do for you? Can you think of at least three things that person would do for you? 2. Can you do any of these things for yourself or can anyone in your life right now do one of these things for you? 3. If you met yourself and tried to be your own magic rescuer, what could you do for yourself? What stops you from doing these things for yourself?

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 18 is found in Section 18 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 19 is found in Section 19 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 According to Caplan, what are the four developmental phases in a crisis?
17.1 According to Susser, what percentage of those who commit suicide have a history of a previous suicide attempt?
17.2 According to Shneidman, what are two groups of suicide?
17.3 According to Durkheim, what religions have the lower suicide rates?
17.4 What are other factors that might increase the risk of suicide?
18.1 How might a ‘deductive model for crisis interviewing’ help a counselor?
20.1 What are some client responses or behaviors that might alert the counselor to the potential disturbing state of the client?
20.2 What might be some questions that tell the client that structure is the mode of interaction?
20.3 What does counseling with a potentially psychotic client require?
21.1 What might be some questions for crisis intervention?
21.2 Symptom induction allows the therapist to do what?
21.3 What is the purpose of teaching patients controlled breathing in order to regulate their oxygen-intake level and reduce autonomic activity?
22.1 What are different types of crisis?
22.2 What are some symptoms of Acute Stress Disorder?
23.1 According to Neighbors, where are African Americans suffering from depression more likely to seek informal mental health services?
24.1 From a therapeutic perspective, what does the psychological understanding of a person require?
25.1 What are important steps in promoting mentalizing and the awareness of others mental states?

A. 50-80%
B. An initial rise in tension as habitual problem-solving techniques are tried 2. There is a lack of success in coping as the stimulus continues and more discomfort is felt 3. A further increase in tension acts as a powerful internal stimulus and mobilizes internal and external resources. In this stage emergency problem-solving mechanisms are tried. The problem may be redefined or there may be resignation and the giving up of certain aspects of the goal as unattainable 4. If the problem continues and can neither be solved nor avoided, tension increases and a major disorganization occurs.
C. Jews and Catholics
D. Those in which the point of no return is rapidly reached, those in which it is gradually reached
E. Provides counselor with a way of identifying and organizing client information that will facilitate the process of crisis resolution, helps counselor keep track in a systematic and logical way by keeping a list of the things the clients says and by filtering out the relevant from the irrelevant information, model emphasizes the importance of the early part of the initial interview
F. Hypochondrias, recent surgery or childbirth, no apparent secondary gain, unemployment, financial difficulty
G. Questions beginning with: “Could you see him?” and ending with “What happened when you got all upset?”
H. Extreme movement, gesturing and posturing, wringing and shaking of the hands, alternately crying and laughing
I. Have you recently adjusted, discontinued or changed any medications either prescribe or not prescribed? Have you experienced any recent illness, deaths, changes in relationship, job, or financial situation in the past 6 months? Have you recently experienced child birth, surgery or change in menstrual pattern? Has anyone in your immediate family or family of origin experienced similar symptoms such as these?
J. That the counselor closely observes the manner in which the client responds to the questions asked by the counselor or family member
K. The purpose of this type of restructuring is to lessen the likelihood that the individual’s automatic thoughts are fueling the subsequent increase in symptoms and emotional reaction and to persuade them that their fear is unsubstantiated.
L. To obtain a direct report of the client’s thought processes as the attack develops and to assist the client first-hand in controlling the attack through progressive breathing and though restructuring
M. Subjective sense of numbing and detachment, a reduction in the awareness of one’s surroundings, a sense of de-realization and depersonalization, and an inability to recall important aspects of the precipitating circumstance
N. Developmental crisis, existential crisis, environmental crisis, situational crisis
O. The identification of his or her prototypic narratives
P. Opportunities in treatment to take a playful, humorous, or “as if” stance
Q. Churches