Ethical and Cultural Issues Arising from the Psychology of Terrorism- 3 Credit Hrs.
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INF - Infidelity- Cognitive Therapy for the Hurt Partner and Unfaithful Partner Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
Important Note! Underlined numbers below are links to that Section. If you leave this page, use your "Back" button to return to your answers, rather than clicking on a new "Answer Booklet" link. Or use Ctrl-N to open a new window and use a separate window to review content.

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 How can the words betrayer and betrayed be interpreted by clients?
2.1 What is a helpful technique that clients can use regarding their obsessive thoughts?
3.1 What are four differences between how male and female hurt partners respond to an affair?
4.1 If a client struggles with impatience, what might be a useful technique for them to use?
5.1 What are three gender differences in the unfaithful partner’s emotional response to an affair?
5.2 What type of partner do men and women look for during an affair?
6.1 What are three amphetamine-like chemicals released by the brain, that result in feelings of intense passion?
6.2 What are 7 expectations in the Confronting my Expectations cognitive-behavioral exercise?
6.3 What are the characteristics of the third stage of love relationships?
7.1 The My Partner’s Attitudes exercise is helpful to explore a clients doubts of infidelity about their partners. What are seven items of the My Partner’s Attitudes exercise?
8.1 If a client is struggling with self-esteem issues, what is a helpful technique?
9.1 What are seven questions to the Growth Experiences Inventory technique?
10.1 What exercise involves asking questions like: What attributes do I dislike in my partner? What does it reveal about me that I object to these attributes?
11.1 What may be a helpful technique to strengthen a client’s process of low cost behavioral change?
13.1 What are two steps to the Anger Adjustment technique?
14.1 What technique can help reduce a couple’s sense of polarization?

A. Thought Stopping-a cognitive-behavioral technique
B. As putting the burden of responsibility on one client alone
C. Time Projection
D. The desire to preserve the relationship, depression versus anger, feelings of inadequacy, and obsession versus distraction
E. Women tend to look for soul mates, men look for playmates
F. 1. What kind of partner is sought 2. What justifies an affair 3. What internal tensions the affair causes
G. I shouldn’t have to work for love, I shouldn’t have to work to be trusted, my partner should be emotionally available to me whenever I need him or her, a good marriage is free of conflict, if I’m not happy in my marriage it must be my partner’s fault, my partner should want to do exactly what I want to do the moment I want to do it, my partner should forgive all of my limitations even if I can’t forgive some of theirs
H. Dopamine, norepinephrine, PEA
I. What my partner doesn’t know won’t hurt them, I only have one life to live, I deserve to be as happy as possible, my affair lets me satisfy my needs without breaking up the family. I’m doing it for the kids, men are not meant to be monogamous, I have no impulse control, I never promised to be perfect, since my partner knows about the affair but isn’t confronting me it must be ok as long as I don’t flaunt it
J. Compromise, accommodation, integration, and resolution
K. What feelings or emotions were most dominant to me growing up? What was missing from the way each parent treated me? What was my greatest unmet need? How did this affect me? What did I like best about the way each parent treated me. How did this influence who I am today? What did I learn about love from watching how the significant people in my life treated each other? In what ways have I blamed my partner for making me feel the way I’ve always felt? In what ways does he or she blame me? How do we hurt each other in ways that we’re already vulnerable? What does my partner give that I value the most? What does he or she need from me to feel safe and secure?
L. Treasure Chest Visualization technique
M. Trust Enhancing Chart technique
N. Flip Flop Ledger technique
O. Disarming technique
P. Ask yourself whether you are using the cognitive error of emotional reasoning, instead of spending the time justifying your anger, instead ask ‘is this anger useful? How will this serve me?

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 17 is found in Section 17 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 18 is found in Section 18 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 What marital assumptions are typically violated by an affair?
15.2 For partners who had an affair, what are four feelings they experience, that may complicate the recovery of the process?
16.1 What are three major components of infidelity?
16.2 What are examples of sexual online behaviors?
16.3 What three factors make the internet a powerful medium for online sexual activities?
17.1 What do women believe is the reason why men may often engage in extra relationship involvements?
17.2 According to Glass and Wright, what may be the most common type of involvement reported by women?
18.1 What form of therapy may be used in the treatment of post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)?
18.2 What techniques may a therapist use to facilitate cognitive interweave?
19.1 What are two phases of therapeutic intervention involved with intentional forgiving?
19.2 What are seven steps for intentional forgiving?
21.1 What are three phases for delivering marital therapy interventions to clients?
21.2 Assessment of client structures involves asking each client about...
21.3 What are three techniques that beginning therapists may learn?
21.4 What is Constructivism?
22.1 According to Glass and Wright's study, what percentage of men who had had sexual affairs reported still having happy marriages?
23.1 What does the LOVE acrostic include?
24.1 What are four adult patterns of insecure attachment?
25.1 In what two ways might an increase in objective self-awareness affect the self-perception process?
26.1 What are five codes in the Ignoring/Diverting category?

A. Guilt, shame, anger, depression
B. Partners can be trusted and that the relationship is emotionally safe
C. Cybersex, hotchatting, emotional acts included disclosing intimate information to a significant other
D. Sexual, emotional and pornography
E. In order to satisfy or inflate their egos
F. Access, affordability and anonymity
G. Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)
H. Sexual and emotional
I. Psychoeducation, face-to-face processing of forgiveness when appropriate
J. Add present time or adult thoughts, add new information, alter the image, utilize Socratic techniques, use physical sensations to bring about the desired reprocessing
K. Assessment of client structures, creating rationale using the client's structure, and verbally delivering the intervention with the rationale to the client
L. Describe intentional forgiveness as a choice, describe the choice to forgive as an immediate opportunity, teach clients to forgive and remember, teach clients to forgive for the sake of self, not the sake of the offender, in ongoing relationships, describe forgiveness as having two sides, discuss intention versus impact, frame intentional forgiveness as a viable way to advance relationship in the context of unresolved harmful experiences
M. Techniques of building productive relationships, problem formulation, constructing helpful interventions
N. Problem definition, problem severity, problem attributions, attempted solutions, relationship strengths, client self-definition
O. 56%
P. The construct that guides the assumption that most often we ‘should’ regard the beliefs of others with respect
Q. Anxious attachment, insistent self-reliance, insistent care giving, and emotional detachment
R. Listening (L) to their partner, observing (O) their effects on their partner, valuing (V) their partner, and evaluating (E) common interests
S. (a) Focusing on the positive, (b) asking a question to focus on feelings, (c) interrupting, (d) highlighting neutral information, and (e) emphasizing a successful resolution of the problem
T. Heightened self-awareness produced by mirrors increases attitude-behavior consistency, individuals in a state of objective self-awareness view themselves as an observer would view them