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TDP - Borderline Personality Disorder: 12 Practical Behavioral Intervention Strategies Post Test

Audio Transcript Questions The answer to Question 1 is found in Track 1 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 2 is found in Track 2 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question.
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Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


1.1 What are three clinical criteria for reality testing a client?
1.2 What are some symptoms that reflect identity diffusion?
1.3 What technique helps a client with his/her identity diffusion by changing his/her diffused perceptions?
2.1 What is the ‘Three Steps to Conscious Communication’ for?
2.2 What are the three steps in the ‘Three Steps to Conscious Communication?’
3.1 What are five steps to the ‘Turn it Around’ technique for the clients?
3.2 What may perceived judgments lead to?
4.1 What are the three steps in the ‘Abandoning Abandonment’ technique?
4.2 What are accompanied by pervasive patterns of instability in a client’s relationships?
5.1 What technique may be helpful for BPD clients who acknowledge methods of control or problem behaviors?
5.2 What type of clients may prefer coercion as their method of control?
5.3 What is one common type of manipulation among BPD clients?
6.1 What are three criteria to use as a secondary interview to discover co-occurrence of multiple problems in a PBD client?
6.2 What is ‘The Thinking Habit’ technique for?
7.1 What are some suggestions a therapist might give a client to help maintain control while revisiting family members?
8.1 What is the ‘Exploring Why’ technique used for?
9.1 Why do BPD clients frequently have a difficult time in establishing stable relationships with other people?
10.1 What may happen to clients when they implement techniques for cultivating interpersonal relationships?
11.1 What technique may help a client dispute his/her own cognitive distortions?
12.1 The L.E.M.O.N. mnemonic is used in what technique?
13.1 What are five suggestions a therapist might consider, for dealing with difficult or abusive BPD clients?
14.1 What are two exercise involved in the ‘Revealing the Truth’ technique?

A. Subjective experiences of chronic emptiness, contradictory self-perceptions, and contradictory behavior
B. The absence of hallucinations or delusions, the absence of grossly inappropriate or bizarre affect, thought content, or behavior; and the capacity to evaluate the self and others realistically
C. This technique gives the borderline personality disorder client a method to overcome or at least question the urge to react emotionally and without forethought to a situation or comment
D. Become a playwright technique
E. Evaluate each situation thoroughly, describe his/her problem in observable, non-blaming terms, describe how he/she felt about the problem, explain the problem, describe how he/she would have liked the interaction to have played out
F. First, recognize the tension. Second, realistically evaluate the situation. Third, is to empathize.
G. Determine separation, reinforce that the other person’s words or actions are often about him/her and his/her history rather than about the client, the client needs to learn how to say ‘yes’ and ‘no’ clearly to other people
H. An inability for the client to realistically evaluate his/her behaviors
I. The Looking Glass technique
J. By marked impulsivity and feelings of general abandonment
K. Supplication/pleating
L. Narcissistic BPD clients
M. This technique offers a BPD client, experiencing symptoms of depression, an alternative to negative thinking
N. General appearance, manner, and attitude- clients with borderline personality disorder may appear calm during the interview. Consciousness, including orientation as to time, place, and person. Apperception verses perception as modified by one’s own emotions, memories, and biases.
O. This technique is used to help a partner of a BPD client understand some BPD reactions and distorted perceptions
P. Plan to take a breather and get away. Take long walks, go on a day trip, or visit old friends. Avoid confronting family members regarding old issues unless you have a clear idea of your goals and expectations. Find a way to physically leave if you are too uncomfortable to stay.
Q. They begin to balance therapy, trust others, and regulate their behaviors
R. Because the fear of abandonment conflicts with the client’s unintentional instability
S. the Boundaries Enforcement technique
T. The ‘Challenge the Critic’ technique
U. Writing a false eulogy for the borderline parent, and writing a false eulogy for an ideal parent
V. Respond silently with a reinforcing phrase, use silent humor, speak firmly and let the client know in advance that certain behaviors are not acceptable, identify mistreatment immediately, be careful that you are not pulled into a useless argument or shouting match

Course Content Manual Questions The answer to Question 23 is found in Section 23 of the Course Content. The Answer to Question 24 is found in Section 24 of the Course Content... and so on. Select correct answer from below. Place letter on the blank line before the corresponding question

Please note every section does not have an additional question below. Some sections may have more than one question.


15.1 Why did Akiskal, Yerevanian, Davis, King, and Lemmi previously suggest that BPD is a subtype of chronic mood disorder?
16.1 According to Markowitz, what is the termination phase?
17.1 During Stage 1 of the patient-therapist relationship, Searles described patients moving from ‘___’ to ‘___’?
19.1 According to Gababrd, what characteristics are fundamental to the psychotherapy of patients with BPD?
19.2 According to Casement, what is the distinction between ‘libidinal demands’ and ‘growth needs’?
21.1 What is the Rorschach Oral Dependency Scale for?
21.2 What is the Mutuality of Autonomy Scale for?
22.1 What two reasons might make self-mutilating borderline clients vulnerable to ego fragmentation and psychotic regression?
23.1 What is the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) for?
24.1 According to Diamond, what is the major goal of TFP?
25.1 According to Galloway, what are four elements identified as composing the therapeutic alliance?
26.1 According to Dr. Linehan, what does the term ‘Dialectical’ refer to?
27.1 What are the symptoms of BPD?

A. A bittersweet role transition that offers an opportunity to examine the patient’s feelings about this difficult life event, to look at the positive and negative aspects of the relationship, and ideally to integrate them
B. Because IPT has shown benefits for patients who have mood disorders, it seemed a reasonable candidate for use with patients who have BPD as well
C. Containment and management of hatred, sadism, aggression, and anger
D. From ‘out of contact’ to an ‘ambivalent symbiosis’
E. It is developed as a psychoanalytic content scale to assess oral/dependent imagery
F. The ‘libidinal demands’ cannot be gratified without gravely jeopardizing the treatment and committing serious ethical compromises while the ‘growth needs’ can be facilitated within professional boundaries
G. Their noxious life events and their subsequent pathological adaptations
H. It assesses the thematic content of relationships (stated or implied) between animal, inanimate, and human representations in Rorschach percepts
I. To change the pathogenic object relations that lead to chronic affective, behavioral, and cognitive disturbance
J. To assess patients and therapists\' states of mind with respect to attachment and reflective function in the therapeutic relationship
K. The fundamental nature of the interrelatedness and wholeness of reality, and also to the treatment approach used by the therapist to bring about change
L. The patient\'s capacity to work purposefully, the patient\'s affective bond to the therapist, the therapist\'s empathic understanding and involvement, and agreement about the goals and tasks of treatment
L. intense fear of abandonment and efforts to avoid abandonment; turbulent, erratic, and intense relationships; lack of sense of self or unstable sense of self; impulsive acts that can be hurtful to oneself; repeated suicidal behavior or gestures or self-mutilating behavior; chronic feelings of emptiness; episodes of intense anger or difficulty controlling anger; and temporary feelings of paranoia or severe dissociative symptoms