Healthcare Training Institute - Quality Education since 1979 CE for Psychologist, Social Worker, Counselor, & MFT!! Section 15 Question 15 | Test | Table of Contents Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, frequently referred to as hyperactivity or attention deficit disorder (ADHD), is a severe and usually chronic disorder estimated to affect 3% to 5% of school-age children (American Psychiatric Association). ADHD is more prevalent in males, with boys outnumbering girls by a mean ratio of six to one in clinic samples (Barkley). Phelan notes that on average, one child in an elementary school classroom has ADHD. Moreover, he reports that approximately 40% of students manifesting problems are likely to be students with ADHD. Children with ADHD experience behavioral difficulties, which most often manifest in distractibility, inattention, impulsivity, or hyperactivity. In fact, ADHD children are most commonly characterized as having difficulty completing tasks or persisting at a play activity, difficulty concentrating on tasks requiring sustained attention, distractibility, and not paying attention (Hoza & Pelham). As a result, children with ADHD may develop emotional, social, developmental, academic, and/or family problems because of the frustrations and difficulties they commonly experience due to the disorder. In addition, the families of children with ADHD may experience pressures and stresses beyond those produced by normal developmental problems (Schwiebert, Sealander, & Tollerud; Sealanderetal). Although most children with ADHD exhibit the first signs of difficulty before the age of 4, most often ADHD is first diagnosed when the child is in elementary school. Moreover, the behaviors of ADHD children and the problems which result put the ADHD child at risk for the following: completing their education, substance abuse, poor vocational achievement, social rejection by peers, oppositional behaviors, and delinquency. However, with proper intervention and treatment, children with ADHD can learn how to cope with daily demands in the classroom, in social situations, in family situations, and with life in general. Therefore, it is essential that identification of children with ADHD occur early. This allows teachers, parents, healthcare professionals, and school therapists to work with these students to assist them with strategies and intervention techniques designed to facilitate adjustment to school and vocational situations, social situations, family situations, and life in general. It is important to note that while definite criteria exist for the diagnosis of ADHD, the experiences of children and families affected by ADHD may differ depending on the cultural lens through which ADHD is experienced. Expressions of ADHD by the child as well as familial recognition of and/or response to these behaviors may differ depending upon cultural and ethnic influences. To date, there is no research that attempts to define differences in the experience of ADHD by children with the condition and their families from a cultural perspective, it is, however, important for therapists to consider the effects of ADHD and the development of treatment interventions within the cultural context of the affected child and family. It is beyond the scope of this paper to address this topic. However, a discussion of the accepted criteria for recognizing and diagnosing ADHD are included below. Characteristics of Children and Adolescents with ADHD Although the DSM (American Psychiatric Association) specifies that diagnostic criteria must be present before age 7, difficulties associated with ADHD may persist well beyond the childhood years. Although their classroom behavior typically becomes less disruptive as they get older, children diagnosed with ADHD have problems that persist into adolescence. With respect to performance in the classroom, they remain impulsive, easily distracted, and have problems with tasks requiring attention and concentration (Fischer, Barkley, Edeibrock, & Smallish; Hinshaw; Sattler). Currently, from. a legal perspective, ADHD alone is not a handicapping condition that qualifies children for special education services. Those students receiving special education services do so on the basis of a coexisting condition such as a learning disability (Teeter), or services may be provided in the regular classroom under Section 504, which requires accommodations and services be provided for children diagnosed with ADHD. The latter is less favorable for the school system as schools do not receive funding for these services. Because coexisting conditions have implications for service provision and the formulation of effective interventions, they are discussed below. Coexisting Conditions Difficulties in oral expression and listening comprehension
in language/learning disabled students includes the inability to maintain an
overall organization of verbal information, process verbal information, and
make evaluations or judgments regarding the information. Additionally, the
inability to organize information with complex syntax and structure can impact
the written expression as well as reading comprehension of students with language/learning
difficulties (Shankweiler & Liberman). These deficit areas can be intensified
when coupled with characteristics of attention deficit disorder. According
to Hallowell and Ratey, characteristics of young adults with ADHD include difficulty
getting organized, the tendency to say what comes to mind without regard to
timing and appropriateness, and drifting in the middle of conversation. These
characteristics affect the organization of spoken and written information,
social interactions, academic functioning, and general daily functioning. Examples
of other co-existing conditions include a diagnosis of Conduct Disorder (CD),
delinquent behaviors (Frick et al.), general learning disabilities (Robins),
reading deficits, and externalized behavioral problems (Hinshaw). Of 115 boys
with ADHD referred to a university outpatient clinic, 39% also had a specific
reading disability (Sealander, Schwiebert, Eigenberger, Little, & Ross).
On a battery of cognitive and attentional measures, both ADHD groups (with
and without a reading disability) performed at a lower level than a control
group (August & Garlinkel). Other areas in which ADHD children are more
likely to have difficulties are problem-solving strategies and organizational
skills; problems associated with sleeping; and emotional disorders of various
types. Personal
Reflection Exercise Explanation Personal
Reflection Exercise #1 Update - De Rossi, P., D'Aiello, B., Pretelli, I., Menghini, D., Di Vara, S., & Vicari, S. (2023). Age-related clinical characteristics of children and adolescents with ADHD. Frontiers in psychiatry, 14, 1069934.
Overgaard, K. R., Oerbeck, B., Friis, S., Biele, G., Pripp, A. H., Aase, H., & Zeiner, P. (2019). Screening with an ADHD-specific rating scale in preschoolers: A cross-cultural comparison of the Early Childhood Inventory-4. Psychological Assessment, 31(8), 985–994.
Patros, C. H. G., Tarle, S. J., Alderson, R. M., Lea, S. E., & Arrington, E. F. (Mar 2019). Planning deficits in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A meta-analytic review of tower task performance. Neuropsychology, 33(3), 425-44.
Smith, Z. R., Eadeh, H.-M., Breaux, R. P., & Langberg, J. M. (2019). Sleepy, sluggish, worried, or down? The distinction between self-reported sluggish cognitive tempo, daytime sleepiness, and internalizing symptoms in youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Psychological Assessment, 31(3), 365–375.
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