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Edwards, K. M., Herrington, R., Edwards, M., Banyard, V., Mullet, N., Hopfauf, S., Simon, B., & Waterman, E. A. (2022). Using intergenerational photovoice to understand family strengths among Native American children and their caregivers. Journal of community psychology, 50(8), 3625-3639.

Ng, A. E., Adjaye-Gbewonyo, D., & Vahratian, A. (2023). Health Conditions and Health Care Use Among American Indian and Alaska Native Adults by Tribal Land Residential Status: United States, 2019-2021. National health statistics reports, (185), 1-11.

O'Keefe, V. M., Waugh, E., Grubin, F., Cwik, M., Chambers, R., Ivanich, J., Weeks, R., & Barlow, A. (2022). Development of "CULTURE FORWARD: A strengths and culture-based tool to protect our native youth from suicide". Cultural diversity & ethnic minority psychology, 28(4), 587-597.

Quintana, S., Ivanich, J. D., Pikok, K., Nez, S., & Zepeda, Z. (2022). Empowering American Indian and Alaska Native youth to lead measurement development of an indigenous adolescent wellbeing measure: A protocol paper. Frontiers in public health, 10, 994434.

Peer-Reviewed Journal Article References:

Albino, J., Shapiro, A. L. B., Henderson, W. G., Tiwari, T., Brega, A. G., Thomas, J. F., Bryant, L. L., Braun, P. A., & Quissell, D. O. (2016). Validation of the Sense of Coherence Scale in an American Indian population. Psychological Assessment, 28(4), 386–393.

Blair, I. V., Danyluck, C., Judd, C. M., Manson, S. M., Laudenslager, M. L., Daugherty, S. L., Ratliff, E. L., Gardner, J. A., & Brondolo, E. (2020). Validation of the Brief Perceived Ethnic Discrimination Questionnaire–Community Version in American Indians. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology. Advance online publication.

Gloppen, K., McMorris, B., Gower, A., & Eisenberg, M. (2018). Associations between bullying involvement, protective factors, and mental health among American Indian youth. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 88(4), 413–421. 

Hwang, K.-K. (2019). Enhancing cultural awareness by the construction of culture-inclusive theories. Journal of Theoretical and Philosophical Psychology, 39(2), 67–80.

Kulis, S. S., Robbins, D. E., Baker, T. M., Denetsosie, S., & Deschine Parkhurst, N. A. (2016). A latent class analysis of urban American Indian youth identities. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(2), 215–228.

Lardon, C., Wolsko, C., Trickett, E., Henry, D., & Hopkins, S. (2016). Assessing health in an Alaska native cultural context: The Yup’ik Wellness Survey. Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology, 22(1), 126–136.

Novack, M. A., Standley, M., Bang, M., Washinawatok, K., Medin, D., & Waxman, S. (2021). Hands on: Nonverbal communication in Native and non-Native American parent–child dyads during informal learning. Developmental Psychology.

Podlogar, M. C., & Novins, D. K. (2015). Quality of care in American Indian child and adolescent behavioral health: A pilot study of patient and family perspectives. Psychological Services, 12(2), 112–122.

Scott, W. D., Clapp, J., Mileviciute, I., & Mousseau, A. (2016). Children’s Depression Inventory: A unidimensional factor structure for American Indian and Alaskan native youth. Psychological Assessment, 28(1), 81–91.

West, A. E., Telles, V., Antony, V., Zeledon, I., Moerner, L., & Soto, C. (2021). An opioid and substance use disorder needs assessment study for American Indian and Alaska Native youth in California. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors.

Additional References:
- CHS Administration Handbook. Governance Structures and Authorities American Indian Tribal Governments. Minnesota Department of Health Office of Performance Improvement. January 2014. pg. 1-4.

- Sarche, Michelle and Spicer, Paul. Poverty and Health Disparities for American Indian and Alaska Native Children: Current Knowledge and Future Prospects. National Institute of Health. pg. 1-14.

- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. Culture Card A Guide to Build Cultural Awareness. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. January 2009. pg. 1-4.

Answer Booklet
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